Monday 10 March 2014

Our Week in Pictures

Monday - We celebrated Jason's Birthday. Funny enough I have managed to brake his No.7 cake candle :) Upssss :)

Tuesday -  Pancake Day! We ate pancakes for the breakfast, lunch and dinner :)

Wednesday - finally Spring arrived with the bang! Everywhere is blossoms and early flowers. We went for a nice afternoon walk to take in some fresh air!

Thursday - baked some stuffed bell peppers (pork mince, rice, spices, herbs and cheese on top)

Friday - yep, that's my Mommy sanding away garden furniture so it looks nice and fresh for another season. 

Saturday - Jason planted some vegetable seeds outdoors.

Sunday - Hottest day so far this week! We have officially opened the season for: Sunglasses and BBQ!
And sometimes it is nice to treat yourself with a delicious doughnut :)
Happy Sunday!