Saturday 24 January 2015

Isabella - 10 Months Old!

We're in double digits!  Just two more months until this baby is one year old and each and every month I still treasure at the time that has gone by. Does the world just run in "fast-forward" mode when you become a parent? It definitely feels like it.

Isabella has  become the sweetest, funniest, silliest, most loving baby girl. Her personality really shows more and more every single day and I have these moments where I can't believe I'm the lucky woman that gets to be her mama.




 Isabella has been pretty good this month! We had no colds or runny noses in this house. Her weight is 22lbs or 10kg. Isabella is due to attend her 10 month health check, so hopefully we will find out a bit more on her development and her height.


Isabella is wearing  12-18 months clothes already. We have few tops 9-12 that still fits her. Its so strange to buy her  12-18 size clothes as they look quite big but she fits them just fine.  


 Solids are going fantastically and this baby loves all food!  She is especially into cheese and yogurt right now and she also loves fruits and veggies. We got lucky with what a great eater she is, but I know that can all change as we move into toddlerhood (and as an aside, I'm totally not ready to use the t-word yet!)   I love that soon she will be eating exactly what we eat but in smaller bites and portions.  It will also force us to eat as clean as she does right now which will be great for our health too.
The new foods we have tried recently: Lamb and Vegetable Casserole, Yogurt and fresh fruit ice lollies, Fish Pie(using Cod),Fluffy Baby Pancakes with fruit compote, Wholemeal bread sandwiches with avocado and Philadelphia Cheese,Beef Meatballs and Pasta, Turkey Meatballs ( with hidden grated apple, grated carrot and cheddar).
She still drinks her Aptamil milk 3 times a day and loves water in between meals.


  We put her down between 7-7:30 ish and she typically sleeps until 7:30 a.m. She also naps twice a day, usually around 11:30 and 3p.m.  It has been a blessing to have her sleeping through the night consistently. We still have a day here and there where she will wake up early or wake up crying at 2 a.m. but they are few and far between and she takes just minutes to settle back down.



I love watching Isabella  interact with the other babies. Sometimes, they steal toys from each other and one ends up in tears, ha! But most of the time she would just sit there and observe everything around her, taking everything in! I noticed that Isabella has been a little better with strangers lately. She returns smiles, waves sometimes and is overall passing through her stranger danger phase. She does get shy once in awhile which is really cute.

Likes: Standing up with a help of Mummy or Daddy, looking out of windows, music,  Nursery rhymes songs, eating, kisses or tickles (those bring out major giggles), being tossed into the air, being chased, Bumble Bee toy, banging on the table, throwing things, books (Farm Animals is a current fave)...She can clap and wave and started to point a lot recently. She's also been more "talkative." I notice she continues to have better and better movement control when it comes to getting from one place to the next. She passes her toys to Daddy  and quite happy shares her food.

We have now 8 teeth! They all came out in a small space of time, we had a few terrible nights but in general she's been a super good baby. And finally one night about a week ago Isabella called me Ma-ma in her cry, that was the sweetest thing ever to my ears! She don't say it everyday and most of the time Ma-ma word comes out at the night time when she needs a cuddle. Dad-da however is the most used word so far.
Her friendship with cat Poppy is also becoming quite a sweet picture to look at. They understand each other, and as long as Isabella is not chasing the cat around (not yet) they remain best friends. 

Friday 16 January 2015

Baby Clothes Haul!

As winter sale is still hanging around the shops I picked up some nice bargains for my girl to grow into. Most of the sizes are 12-18 months.  Some of the shops already displaying Spring/ Summer collections, so perfect time to pick up nice pieces if you are planning Summer holidays.

Skirt: Marks &Spencer £11.00
Leggings: Next £2 each
Harem Trousers : TKmaxx £3.99

Pyjama Set: Marks &Spencer £8.00

Top: Bluezoo at Debenhams £1.80

Top: Bluezoo at Debenhams £1.80

Top: Bluezoo at Debenhams £1.80

Top: TKmaxx £6.99

Top: TKmaxx £4.99

Long Top: Baker Baby £6.00

Leggings: Baker Baby £4.50

Top: Marks& Spencer £6.00

Pyjama Set: Marks& Spencer £8.00

Top: Next £2.50

Trousers: H&M  £3.00

Trousers: H&M  £3.00
Top and Shorts Set: Monsoon £12.00

Jumper: Next £6.50   
And here is some Non Sale items from a new Spring Summer Collections

Set of 3 long sleeve tops:   M&S

Harem style Trousers: M&S

Dress: M&S

Shorts : M&S

Body top: H&M

Top: M&S
Blouse and Leggings Set : M&S

Swimwear from M&S and Little Swimmers Nappies and Hygiene Mat is available at Boots