Thursday 24 September 2015

Isabella - 18 months old.....

My little baby is 1.5 years old today.... Can I just somehow stop the clock, please.

Here is some highlights from the past month:

She’s still shy in new situations but sometimes she surprises us—she hams it up pretty often if she’s in the right mood. When we are out and about she would always wave and say bye to everyone at the restaurant. She would also dance in her highchair (more like a wiggle with some arm action) when she hears her favourite song.
But sometimes she can be a little naughty, she pushes other kids, she takes away their toys. She runs and hides in a corner, behind the stairs, or sofa and waits quietly. Sometimes she goes herself into the naughty corner and stays there for a few minutes. I know. How bizarre! 

She has a new “game” she plays with Jason and me where she takes turns running back and forth between us and giving us kisses and hugs. She thinks it’s hilarious and laughs the entire time.

She has also mastered the fake cry and dramatic meltdown. I swear I could contribute daily to the #whymytoddleriscrying hash tag on my Instagram account. 

She’s getting pickier with food, which I expected she would. She loves fruit, carbs and cheese (duh). She will still eat her veggies when she wants to. She also likes salmon but has periods of love and hate for other meats. She loves green smoothies, which is good, as I can always mix in them lots of various greens and vegies.
I’m going to start giving more sporadic updates now that we are in full-on toddler mode, maybe every three months or so, but I’m so happy I kept up with her updates so I can look back on them. She has changed so much, it has truly been a gift to watch her grow and develop.

Lots of new words :  nana (banana), tortoise, No, cheese, more, wowo (water), Cat Cat ( she calls our cat Poppy), food, baby, car, Alice ( boys name Alex), Bobbies ( two bunnies she sleeps with), bowl, soup,  peas.