Sunday 26 January 2014

Tuna and Pasta Salad



Pasta ''Farfalle'' 4 cups ( use 1 cup per person to measure)
2-3 tomatoes
0.5 fresh cucumber
3 sweet bell peppers ( various colors)
1 Stick of celery
1 can of sweetcorn
1 can of red kidney beans (in water)
Bunch of coriander leaves
Salt and pepper
''Hellmann's'' mayonnaise
2 cans of Tuna chunks ( in water or brine)


Boil the water and cook the pasta according to the pack instructions. Drain the pasta.
Chop tomatoes, cucumber, bell peppers and celery into little pieces.
In a large dish pour the pasta, chopped vegetables, drained sweetcorn, drained kidney beans and  drained tuna chunks.
Sprinkle with chopped coriander, salt and pepper, add mayonnaise and mix all together.
