Monday 25 August 2014

Isabella- 5 Months Old!

Height/Weight: Just over 17 lbs. or 7. 750 kg few weeks ago. I'm sure we have reached 8 kg. already.This baby is so heavy!

Eating /Feeding: We are already increased amount of milk, and now Isabella drinks 5 bottles a day of 5 or 6 oz. of milk ( 150 ml. or 180 ml.) depending on how hungry she is. We are happy with Aptamil formula and had no issues with her digestion at all .Still breastfeeding at night, but we are approaching an end to the breastfeeding. I'm very sad, but in the same time proud that was able to give my milk to my baby for all  those 5 important months.

Clothes Sizes: Isabella is very long baby, so we are already wearing 6-9 months clothes. How did she get so big?! But she still fits in some  3-6 months clothes, again depending on a brand. Real sad that Summer is almost over, and so the season of summer dresses :(  

Sleep: Seriously. Don't even mention to me the word : SLEEP. there is none for Mommy at the moment.  For the past couple of weeks we are back to a few wake-ups during the night. Sometimes twice a night but most of the nights is counting for 4 times! Help!  It could be to do with her sudden growth spur or teething. She does not seem to be hungry at all. She only seems to like a little cuddle from me and then she is back to sleep again. I suppose this is positive, as she goes back to sleep immediately after short hug or just breastfeed. I do really hope that all this  is just temporary thing :)

Apart from that she is good sleeper in a day time. Sometimes she has 3 hours day nap. her first nap is usually around 11.30 am and the next around 4.00 pm. She goes to bed about 7 pm or 7:30 pm. 
Me and Jason decided on something that most parents disagree with us. We have moved her cot bed to our room..... I know, I know. Yes it was me who said that as soon as Isabella reaches 4 months she will be moved to her nursery, but right now we do feel that maybe we just wait another month. as all this waking up can be a bit too much for her and for us.
Overall though I do feel like we are making progress in the sleep department. I think every baby is so different so what works for one family may not work for another and I don't really have strong opinions on what the right way to "sleep train" is. I've just been following her cues. I'm sure one day soon we feel that we are ready for this and I'm sure it will be a natural mutual instinct for us to do.

Milestones: Wow! this month has been absolutely full of milestones!  She is developing such a character now, she's more vocal, more observant more active. Finally we are rolling on our tummy, and she does roll all the time when she is on her back. She can't roll both ways just yet. We have to watch her very closely now. Sometimes she gets agitated and cries out to be rolled over on her back again.  Loves her toys, but starting to show more interest in my things, like mobile phone, my food, hairbrush or anything I have in my hands at that time. 
Isabella have learned to shake her head as to NO NO. It looks so cute, when I say No No baby, she shakes her head like mad. Daddy is encouraging to nod her head as  a YES, but she is more interested in No No :))) 
We have finally  started Baby Yoga classes. And we love it! She loves all the singing and swinging and massaging and watching other babies laugh. I am on a mission now to learn Nursery rhymes..... but i'm rubbish at it.
 Isabella is babbling a lot, smiling a lot and we've gotten a few belly laughs out of her too.  She can really hold and grab things well now. She loves books 
and  gets so excited when we read to her that she kicks her legs. She can turn pages of books on her own and overall she's just much more interested in things and wants to put absolutely everything in her mouth.
And finally we have a TOOTH!!! yes we do. a little one just just poking out of her gums. It came out last night on 24 th of August on her 5th month exactly after weeks of drooling and hand chewing. And it looks so darn cute! We love her so much! 
oh.... and  she's discovered the Monthly Sticker attached on her dress! And happily pulled it off :)))) Cheeky monkey!

Ugis/Svoris: Trys savaites atgal svereme 7.750 kg. bet manau jau pasivijome ir visus 8 kilogramus. Sis vaikutis tikrai turi svorio!

Valgymas/Maitinimas: mes padidinome pieniuko kieki. Isabella isgeria 5 buteliukus per diena, priklausomai kiek ji alkana ji isgeria 150ml. arba 180ml. Kol kas mes patenkinti Aptamil formules misinuku ir neturime jokiu virskinimo problemu. Dar vis maitinu krutimi nakti, bet jau artejame i pabaiga. Liudna kad greitai jau nebegalesiu maitinti pati, bet tuo paciu dziaugiuosi kad turejau galimybe maitinti savo pieniuku Isabella iki 5 menesiu.

Rubu Dydis: Isabella labai ilgo ugio ir mes jau nesiojame 6-9 menesiu rubelius. Vis dar telpame i 3-6 men. bet tai priklauso nuo rubu firmos. Vasara jau visai arteja i pabaiga o su ja ir vasariniu suknuciu sezonas. O kaip gaila :(

Miegas: Is tikruju, prasau net nemineti zodzio MIEGAS, nes jo pas Mama siuo metu nera. Per paskutines 4 svaites mes gryzome vel prie dazno kelimosi nakti. Kartais du kart per nakti o kartais ir visus keturis kartus. Gal but tai susije  su jos augimu o gal but dantuku dygimu. Nepanasu kad ji butu alkana, ji nori tik truputi pasidziaugti ant ranku kartais duodu kruti ir ji vel tuoj pat uzmiega. Tikiuosi greitai visa tai praeis!
Be viso to ji puiki ''miegotoja'' dienos metu. Kartais pietu metu ismiega 3 val. Ji eina miegoti 11.30 val. ir 4.00 val. dienos miego. O vakare ji eina miegoti 7.00 kartais 7.30val.

Mes su Jasonu nutareme pernesti jos lovyte i musu miegamaji. Ir  pilnai suprantu jog kai kurie teveliai tam priestaraus. Taip taip.. tai as kuri prisiekinejau kad vos Isabellai sueis 4 menesiai mes ja guldysime jos kambaryje, taciau butent siuo metu kada ji keliasi taip daznai manau tiesiog per sunku ir mums ir jai. Taciau aplamai kazkoks progresas miego srityje jau yra pasiektas. Kiekvenas kudikis yra skirtingas, ir tai kas tinka vienai seimai nebutinai standartiskai turi tikti ir kitai. Ir as neturiu stipraus nusistatymo ar nuomones apie taisyklinga kudikio ''miego pratinima'. Tiesiog siuo metu mes sekame jos duodamus zenklus. Ir manau greitai ateis ta diena kai mes visi trys jausimes pasiruose siai permainai.

Pazengimai: Oho! Sis menuo pilnas pasiekimu! Ji jau tikras mazas charakteris, ji jau turi balsa, judri, apzvalgi. Pagaliau ji laisvai pati apsisuka ant pilvuko, taciau dar nepajegi atsisukti pati atgal ant nugaros. Megsta savo zaisliukus, bet jau mielai domisi ir mano telefonu, sukomis ar bet kuo kas tuo metu mano rankose. Ji megsta knygas ir spiriasi kojomis is pasitenkinimo kai pati gali atversti puslapius.
Isabella ismoko sukineti galva i abi puses kai jai sakai Ne NE. Tetis zinoma priestaringai rodo linkseti galva TAIP TAIP bet ji vistiek patenkinta purto jog Ne Ne. Fainuole!

Mes pagaliau pradejome lankyti Kudikiu Joga. Ir mums labai patinka! Isabellai smagu ziureti i kitus besijuokiancius vaikucius, jai patinka daineles ir masazas.  As siuo metu pasiryzau neimanomai misijai ismokti angliskas vaiku daineles, bet jos man kazkaip nesirimuoja ir tiek :)
Isabella daug juokiasi ir ''burbuliuoja'' ir megsta kai kutename jos pilvuka. Aplamai ji domisi viskuo kas aplink ja ir viskas greitai atsiduria jos burnoje, nes juk paragauti tai butinas reikalas.
Na ir  pagaliau mes turime DANTUKA!!  jis dar vos matosi bet jau prasikale ir butent vakar 24 ta rugpjucio 5 menesiu sukaktyje. Negaliu isapsakyti kiek man laimes! 
Ir dar, taip ji jau suprato kad ant jos sukneles yra lipdukas ir ji galima laisvai nuplesti ir skaniai suvalgyti! :)))
Mylim mylim MYLIM!


  1. sveikinam su sukaktim ,šauniai atrodo Isabella,labai pastorėjusi ir paaugusi,juokėmės abi su Ieva iš jos storų kojyčių,gražu žiūrėt,o labai graži kur suraukus nosytę,be to pirmoje nuotraukoje panaši į tave,šauniai augat ,sveikatos jums ir gražių dantukų,bučiukai ,mylim ,mylim,mylim

  2. Matosi, kad maitinimas krūtimi jai tikrai į naudą. Labai gražiai nuaugusi mergytė, labai gražiai atrodo.
