Monday 7 December 2015

Its begining to look a lot like Christmas....







just a few photos from our house Christmas décor. I love this time of year, and always try and decorate our house as soon as calendar turns over to  December. We buy a real Christmas tree. It reminds me of my childhood Christmas, when we always used to have a real Christmas tree. Isabella has been pretty good around the tree and glass baubles. She is super excited about the lights when we turn them on in the evening.
I am going to start a tradition with my little girl, and every year we go out and buy a new Christmas tree decoration.
Hope you all have a wonderful and festive Christmas. May your homes always be filled with happiness, love and the smell of gingerbread!

Thursday 24 September 2015

Isabella - 18 months old.....

My little baby is 1.5 years old today.... Can I just somehow stop the clock, please.

Here is some highlights from the past month:

She’s still shy in new situations but sometimes she surprises us—she hams it up pretty often if she’s in the right mood. When we are out and about she would always wave and say bye to everyone at the restaurant. She would also dance in her highchair (more like a wiggle with some arm action) when she hears her favourite song.
But sometimes she can be a little naughty, she pushes other kids, she takes away their toys. She runs and hides in a corner, behind the stairs, or sofa and waits quietly. Sometimes she goes herself into the naughty corner and stays there for a few minutes. I know. How bizarre! 

She has a new “game” she plays with Jason and me where she takes turns running back and forth between us and giving us kisses and hugs. She thinks it’s hilarious and laughs the entire time.

She has also mastered the fake cry and dramatic meltdown. I swear I could contribute daily to the #whymytoddleriscrying hash tag on my Instagram account. 

She’s getting pickier with food, which I expected she would. She loves fruit, carbs and cheese (duh). She will still eat her veggies when she wants to. She also likes salmon but has periods of love and hate for other meats. She loves green smoothies, which is good, as I can always mix in them lots of various greens and vegies.
I’m going to start giving more sporadic updates now that we are in full-on toddler mode, maybe every three months or so, but I’m so happy I kept up with her updates so I can look back on them. She has changed so much, it has truly been a gift to watch her grow and develop.

Lots of new words :  nana (banana), tortoise, No, cheese, more, wowo (water), Cat Cat ( she calls our cat Poppy), food, baby, car, Alice ( boys name Alex), Bobbies ( two bunnies she sleeps with), bowl, soup,  peas.

Monday 24 August 2015

Isabella- 17 Months Old!



She is very independent this month, and wants to do it all by herself. She even gets mad if we try to help her with her spoon. She likes to try things on her own and doesn’t like being helped unless SHE asks for it. She also wants to read her own books. She will only let us read to her if she really wants us to. Otherwise, she’s happy to turn the pages on her own and look at the pictures and point out things she recognizes. She shakes her head when we help her.

She imitates everything we do— I was blowing on her food because it was too hot and then when I gave it to her she kept blowing on it. It was so adorable. If I brush my hair she starts brushing too with anything she has in her hands at that time. She helps to feed our cat Poppy, brings the box with cat food and sometimes gives her a treat.
Oh, and she does in fact tell us now, when she poops. We have had a few attempts with potty training, and let her to stay nappy free for most of the day. She always points down when she knows that she is ready for it, then she goes and gets her potty, but never sits on it.... The training continues....

She is becoming a pickier eater. I expected this, so we just try to keep a variety of foods in the mix. She’s not a huge fan of meat unless it’s mixed into something, with the exception being salmon. Some days she won’t eat chicken, other days she likes it. She keeps us on our toes, but for a toddler, she’s still a very good eater.

Does lots of pretend play— answers and talks on the phone, gives food to her animal friends, pushes her friends around in her wooden stroller. This girl knows how to clean! She takes a wet wipe and cleans windows, doors, toys, books. must be after her Mummy!

She plays imaginary games with us: touches the wall with her fingers pretending she picked some ''berries'', then feeds us, and we all pretend that it's sooo delicious. So funny!

Growls or roars when she sees animals like tigers, lions.

Isabella has been a lot more vocal/verbal this month. She’s always saying new and old words and making up some of her own!

Her new words this month:
Cat and Car sounds similar to us
Shash -shash ( splash- splash)

She is very very sweet girl, she gives us tons of cuddles and kisses, but sometimes can be fiery and naughty. 100% toddler.

Loves her bath time. Cuddles in the morning in our bed -always. Loves dancing. Loves her Minnie Mouse daysack and rein. Playing with pebbles. Licking soft cheese of her toast. Postman Pat. Mister Tumble. Raisins. Walking with the shoes on indoors.

Dislikes tutus, skirts and socks. Waiting for her food - she gets very frustrated. Whole cooked carrot buttons.  Pasta- unless is very tiny shapes.  Still very obvious that this girl do not like sharing her toys with others....
She shares her food. Sometimes.

Love, your Mummy and Daddy. Always. xxxx