Saturday 23 May 2015

Isabella - 14 Months Old!


I'm changing the format of these updates to simply include favourite memories, moments and milestones. I really write these for myself to have as a reference and the more detailed updates were fun when she was an infant, but she does so many cute things each month I want to share some of my favorites.

Favorite Memories, Moments & Milestones:

She wants to read constantly and brings us book after book. We have bought a little rug for the playroom and dedicated a little area for the book reading time. Its so sweet to watch her just flipping true the books and taking all in. She can identify most of the animals but favorites are : cat,  dog, horse and cow. She point to everything and makes a sound '' shea'' and ''thea'' as suppose to mean  ''this'' or ''that''.

Isabella can draw with pen or marker on a piece of paper.
She cries when you take the pencil back :)

Speaking of tantrums, we've definitely noticed that she's testing her boundaries and being quite dramatic. It's hit or miss on what her mood will be any given day and throw teething into the mix and some days are just a disaster from the very start.
Epic tantrums aside, she has a very sweet side to her personality. She cuddles and kisses us. Poppy the cat gets occasional kiss too and she loves and cuddles her soft toys.

She tries to put on her own shoes, and tries to put them on our feet too.

She babbles a lot and babbles "sentences." Still not a lot of words, but she's been working on so many other skills. We talk and read to her a ton and she understands so much so I know she will get it on her own time.

She likes all of the food. Seriously, this child is still absolutely frantic about food and loves to eat. We now on a proper non mushed food, and still doing some BLW( baby led weaning). She happy picking all the bigger pieces of pasta, chicken and vegetables. She loves watermelon and Ice lollies.
I cook her separately and I do enjoy a lot. But occasionally I just throw some stuff into  one pot meal for all of us. She drinks organic full fat cows milk twice a day, once she's up and before bed time.

She can touch/point to body parts when asked "where is your nose/eyes/belly button" etc.

She sleeps very well. Occasionally she gets a bad night and  I don't mind, as most of the nights she sleeps like a trooper. She has one late morning/ early afternoon nap for about 1.5h.

Isabella got another tooth and 4 more is almost poking true. She has 9 teeth in total. Glad is warm weather and she can have some ice lollies - they really do  help to sooth her gums.

Her weight is 11.100kg or 24.47 pounds. She is in 4+size nappies.

She loves playing with tea pots and cups. Sometimes she  plays a little game by herself  pretending ''tea party'' or ''drinking tea''. So Cute!

She still takes awhile to warm up to new people and situations.

Isabella loves being outside. One of her favourite times of the day is being outdoors. The garden is green and lovely now, and she runs around and plays with watering can, helps Daddy to water his plants, gets all wet and soaked and happy as anything! I love those moments and I love watching her grow. She changed a lot, and time goes by so fast, wish I know how to stop the time.....

On a 28th. of April Isabella took her first four steps. On 11th. of May she managed to walk a long distance by herself. Five days later she was walking around the house.
We took her shoe shopping and got her first little walker shoes by HUSH PUPPIES. Her shoe size is 4G. We also got a photo and certificate.

Sunday 17 May 2015

A day at the Gardens and some family fun....



Party Time!

We have celebrated double Birthday Party this weekend. Little Keira and little Joshua turned One, what a lovely day playing outdoors, having delicious food and cakes. Here are some fun moments captured from the day. Happy Birthday K and J! xxxx