Monday 27 October 2014

Our Weekend

Here is some few memories from our weekend spent in Norfolk. We have celebrated Jason's Nan's Beryl's 80th Birthday! On a lovely and sunny Saturday we had an Afternoon Tea at Jason's parents to celebrate the occasion and finished with an amazing lunch on Sunday booked at Beechwood Hotel Restaurant in North Walsham, Norfolk. Happy 80th. Birthday Nan!

P.S. I'm due with Isabella's 7 month update post, unfortunately one of our computers broke down so all my photos from her 7 month photo shoot have still to be recovered. Hopefully all will be sorted by the end of this week. xxxx






1 comment:

  1. močiutė gerai atrodo sulaukus aštuoniasdešimtmečio,geriausi linkėjimai jai.Tačiau mane sužavėjo viena nuotraukytė tai senelio ir anūkės bendras snustelėjimas,nepakartojama....
