Tuesday 7 October 2014

Holistic Approach

For the past few months I have been using mainly  organic, pure and holistic skin products. Its Apivita and Dr. Hauschka.  Have I discovered the new Fountain of Youth?  Probably not, as holistic lifestyle has been around for hundreds of years. So why now and why holistic? here is just an example that Apivita Toning Body Milk I am using at the moment is Paraben free, Silicone free, Propylene Glycol free, Mineral Oil free and Ethanolamine free! Sounds good to me! :)))) There is no question about that my half of other products I use and make up I apply everyday to my skin contains some nasties in it. But somehow I managed to live and it never occurred to me what it is hidden in all our everyday beauty stuff. However I'm approaching my big 40 and for me its time to do some changes with the way I feel and look . Not that I'm complaining too much about my looks :)))

On other hand, yes, I agree it can be expensive and not always available when you need. But even the biggest beauty company's finally approaching the need not to use parabens and mineral oils in their cosmetics and shampoos. So I can see the big change coming in the way we use our beauty products. I'm sick of all the crap is been used in our simple everyday body wash or hand soap, the amount of ingredients in them is unbelievable and sometimes I can't even pronounce the stuff at the back of the label.
I remember when I was a teenager my Mum used to wash my hair with the nettles from the garden or soak my hair in oak bark during the wash, to give the hair strength and shine. I know it sounds extreme and a bit like an  old woman's tale, but there was far less crap we consumed with not just the beauty products but the food too.

I'm also aware that holistic approach should be not just creams, potions and lotions it has to be from the  inside too. The healthy balanced diet and exercise. Two very sound words which I'm trying to stick with. Slowly... gradually.... That's why I have read a book by A.Hamilton, and decided to give it a go on Fasting Diet. Is my first book ever  that I have read it in three days!  I know it sounds like a massive commitment to me, but I'm willing to amend my power will.  I can't stand all this calorie counting, weight watchers and hundreds of other diet fades. I need detoxing. I need to be able to enjoy my food on a days I will not fast. And YES, CAKE IS ALOUD! And I know  I should be drinking more green tea and lemon water in the morning instead of my coffee, but I do believe that living a life without a little bit of yummy pleasure is not worth living! well... And yes, I have been baking cupcakes....but that's another blog post :)

So leaving you my lovelies  with a little read about the Parabens:

Parabens are used to prevent the growth of microbes in cosmetics products and can be absorbed through skin, blood and the digestive system. Parabens have been found in biopsies from breast tumors at concentrations similar to those found in consumer products.Parabens may be found in a wide variety of products including shampoos, lotions, deodorants, scrubs and eye makeup.
What are the health concerns?
Endocrine disruption: Of greatest concern is that parabens are known to disrupt hormone function, an effect that is linked to increased risk of breast cancer and reproductive toxicity. Parabens mimic estrogen by binding to estrogen receptors on cells. They also increase the expression of genes usually regulated by estradiol (a natural form of estrogen); these genes cause human breast cancer cells to grow and multiply in cellular studies. Parabens are also linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity and skin irritation. Since parabens are used to kill bacteria in water-based solutions, they inherently have some toxicity to cells.

How can you avoid this?
Look for products labeled “paraben-free” and read ingredient lists on labels to avoid products with parabens. Many natural and organic cosmetics manufacturers have found effective alternatives to parabens to prevent microbial growth in personal care products. Some companies have created preservative-free products that have shorter shelf lives than conventional products (six months to a year), but if used daily are likely to be used up before they expire. 
Source: Google.

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