Thursday 25 June 2015

Summer Sale Haul!

Love good bargain. Especially Summer SALE! Most of the Spring/Summer collections are now reduced to half price. So if you are planning a holidays later this year, now is the best time to do some shopping.
Here is some bits and bobs I have picked up last week.

                                                               Handbag: Zara

Shirt: TK-Maxx

Shorts: Primark

Top: Mantaray at Debenhams

Long Cardigan: M&S

Beach Wear: M&S

Dress: M&S

Jacket: M&S

Trousers: New Look

Swimwear: M&S

                                                                 Shorts: Zara

Pyjama Sets for Isabella are both from M&S

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Isabella- 15 Months Old!

She's up to so much these days that I've started to keep a list on my iPhone so I can remember everything for these monthly posts.

Favourite Memories, Moments & Milestones:

Can point/touch most of the  areas of her face and body when we ask "where is your head? where are your eyes? where is your belly button? where is your nose? etc.

Licks her finger to turn the  pages of a book or magazine.

Can correctly identify/point to items on a page 70% of the time when asked (where is the pig? where is the ball? where is the duck?)

Love to share sips of my water from the big cup.

Imitates everything, makes funny faces.

Gets a wet wipe and starts blowing her nose like Daddy.

Still loves books and being read to, loves pointing at the animals, loves books with cat or dog in a pictures. 

"Dances" when hears music on a radio or TV.  Loves tea parties and giving all of her stuffed animals cups of tea. Loves when we all sing to her Happy Birthday song.

Loves dance parties: I play music and pick her up and we dance like fools in the living room.

Tried peanut butter, chocolate( a very tiny piece of chocolate :)) and fresh garden peas straight from the pod  for the first time this month.

Feeds herself with a spoon (working on it). She wants to do it by herself a lot these days. Loves being outside, she brings her shoes and starts to put them on. But when the time is up to go back home again..... Oh boy! she actually hysterically cries as though I was hurting her when I try to get her in.

Can say mama, dada, woof woof, something that sounds like Ba baaap, shooo. She ''talks'' a lot during the day, sometimes chatting with her toys in her own little world. Sometimes shouting and screaming and running like mad around the house.

Nods her head yes and shakes it no. She loves shaking her head yes lately. "Do you love mama?" (shakes head) ''Would you like to go outside? (shakes head as yes). Cute.

Still have some tantrums having her nappy changed. She recently started pointing towards her nappy when she has done a poo. My Mum keeps telling me to start a potty training and let her practise. In Lithuania, where I grew up, they potty train babies very young so I guess it's a cultural thing. 

We have bought a travel potty. But the training bit still not in place just yet....

Isabella is still absolutely frantic about food. She stands in front of me if I have a lunch and asks for more, even if she just had eaten. Tries to eat your food when she's done hers. This girl loves her veggies!

And she definitely knows her fruits! Strawberries, bananas, mangoes, melons, anything.

We love this girl so much! xxxxx

Daddy's Potty training methods..... :)





Tuesday 16 June 2015

Day at the Farm...


Jason's Mum, Dad and sister came over weekend to spend some time with us. We had a lovely few days just relaxing, having delicious food, catching up with gossip and taking trip to the Manor Farm to see some animals.
Thank you Mum for helping to iron my enormous pile of laundry :)
See you all very soon. Love.