Sunday 6 January 2013

List of Colors...

Christmas is all cleaned up, packed and put away for another year and now we’re moving on to packing our house stuff. And believe me, we have some stuff, oh yes we do. With me collecting over the years from various drift stores and car boot sales, the house is packed with some good and not so good things. So first of all its time to do a good clean up.The packing process is usually the boring one and I do find myself shifting the things around from one box to another.
So now that we already half packed and counting the days (26 days left) till we move to our new nest, its time to think about house decorating ideas! Over the years I adapted my own individual style and taste for beautiful things.( Expensive taste as Jason would say). I can't help it. I love to mix vintage pieces with modern. But you don't have to spend a lot of money to make your room look like a cover from HOUSE AND GARDEN magazine. You can turn your old chair into a beautiful piece of art by just repainting it. Or give a new life to your old unit cupboards by replacing the new handles. A little restoration project on your furniture goes a long way, no one else will have the same.
We both are excited about a space we going to have in our new house. And at the moment all walls in every room are painted in neutral creamy color. So the next step is to decide on the color we would like to have. Stick with neutral or clinical white or give a bit of color splash? Decisions....
Jason says yellow, I say grey. Jason says terracotta, I say grey. Jason says blue, I say grey. I have been constantly thinking that our new living room should have a light grey walls. For me is a glamorous color, and you can mix all other shades and tones. Jason thinks is too moody and reminds him  of grey rainy days :) Here are some of my favourite tones of  grey - mushroom color.


  1. man patinka 5-6 nuotraukos ,sakyčiau mėgstu šviesias spalvas,prie baltų baldų tiks ir tamsesnės bet jeigu baldai tamsūs tada sienos šviesios geriau.

  2. As kazkodel apsistojau ties pilka spalva.Manau is tiesu baldu spalva tures reiksmes,tad teks palaukti kol musu naujos sofos atvaziuos :) o tada ir nuspresim spalvas.x
