Saturday 17 May 2014

T20 Tassimo Bosch Coffee Maker Review

So as I'm sipping my tasty caramel latte I thought I will write a post kind of review about my new Coffee Brewer or T20 Tassimo. ( Tassimo Amia by Bosch TA S2002 or TAS 20 xx)

Always always wanted to get a coffee machine a good coffee machine, the one who grinds the fresh coffee beans and makes frothy cappuccino's...... One problem here. They are very expensive those ''good coffee makers'', so I have left that dream to a later days. 
So here I am walking around John Lewis department store admiring coffee machines when stopped by this little black brewer who looked quite cheeky on a shelve almost telling me Look at ME :) 
Priced at £99.95 it looked quite stylish and almost convinced me to skip the idea about those huge coffee I did a little review reading at home and came to a conclusion: I will give it a go! 
As I had a £50 gift voucher from John Lewis the idea of getting T20 became more interesting, so I have purchased it the following day. 
To make a long story short, - it is the best decision I have made! I'm over the moon with my new coffee brewer! Love love love!
So here is my short review:

First thing when you get the T20 is to clean it, but it  is very easy. In the back of the unit is a clever little slot that houses the disc for cleaning your T20 unit. Tassimo uses a barcode system to brew everything. The cleaning disc as well as all of the T-Discs have a barcode to tell the Brewer what to do. So you have to be sure you place your T-Disc into the machine correctly. It’s very easy, fill your machine with water, turn it on, slip in the appropriate T-Disc and press the big button (which is the start button). And Voila!
The T-Discs are available to buy at most supermarkets and comes in a variety of flavors. My favorite is Costa Caramel Latte. The only downside to this that the T- Discs are not cheap. Tesco usually does a good purchase deal 3 packs for £10.00 . So if you don't drink 6 cups a day it will last you a while. But if you have some guests around is better to stock it up. 
Taste. And that's quite important to me. You always think that those quick press the button machines makes terrible tasting coffee almost like from vending machines at the office. Not this baby! The coffee is brilliant, and there is no synthetic taste in milk either. It tastes exactly as it tastes at coffee house. And it makes your drink in no time! 60 sec. and you are sipping your favorite drink with no cleaning to do after! And having a small baby now, is the last thing I want to do is to spent time cleaning coffee machine parts. 

Conclusion: Thank you Bosch for another good electrical item ( We have a washing machine from Bosch and it is perfect!). Tassimo T20 is for modern living, is small, compact, intelligent barcode reader, stylish and makes a pretty good cup of coffee! and I forgot to mention that also you can make espresso, cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate and tea! 
So my apologies, but I am off for another drink..... :)


  1. You must have heard a hundred times about the American coffee beans and how they are beneficial to health.But one thing I want to clarify over here , with these accessories it has become a great challenge to keep ones body texture in slender shape and most of the people get bulky after its frequent consumption. So don't dare to become addicted of it.

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