Thursday 17 July 2014

Our first Wedding Anniversary!

   On Sunday we are celebrating our one year wedding anniversary.      
I can hardly believe it's been one year since our wedding day! So much has happened within a year that makes us so excited for the many years to come. Words usually come so easily to me, but when I think about our wedding day, I am so emotional that I'm left nearly speechless. And I feel so very blessed to have spent past year with my soul mate.

So how it feels to be married? It feels wonderful, feels peaceful and feels crazy at the same time!
In our marriage we share happiness, we make each other happy.
Happiness  is being married to your best friend, and I wouldn't have it any other way. When you wake up together, want to share the latest/greatest/most important news with one another , be the first to tell them a secret, tell them your deepest darkest fears (or slightest concerns). They’re the person who’ll love you forever no-matter how silly you dress, fat or wrinkly you might get (one day), they won’t judge the rubbish TV you watch or music you listen too, whether you talk in your sleep, pick your nose, forget to wash your plate or fart in the middle of the night. They’re the single most important person to you, you make each other better people, and you always strive to make each other happy. We feel more connected in a deeper way, more like a ''team'' now. However it seems cliché to say but our love really does seem to get stronger everyday. Marriage makes the reality of life, responsibilities, finances, and every day chores around the house seem more real.
Marriage changed me for  who I am today. And I pray to be less selfish, be more calm if things don't always are how we want to be  and just enjoy our  moments of life together. I love you my dear husband with all my heart!....

Happy Anniversary Jason,  with love now and forever...

20th of July 2013 at Chaucer Barn North Norfolk, England

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary my dear friends! Be always happy!
