Thursday 24 July 2014

Isabella- 4 Months Old!

Height/Weight: Two weeks ago Isabella's weight was 7 kg / 15 lbs. Still we have no idea how tall is our girl, maybe I will ask about it when next time we will see our health visitor.

Eating/Feeding: Still pretty much the same routine. She gets formula and breast milk during the day, and if she gets up at night she gets only breast milk. We have tried to introduce a little bit of cooled boiled water during the day, but she has no interest in it  at all. I'm trying to give her my breast in between the formula feeds just so she can satisfy her thirst, especially in this summer heat.

Clothes Sizes: All clothes are 3-6 months at the moment. Last week had packed away all 0-3 month clothes, still no new purchases at this time as our wardrobe is still pretty much full :) Well....maybe just a few tutu skirts Mummy bought it recently :)

Sleep: Isabella is on sleep strike at the moment! I think  we are going through the dreaded four month sleep regression. However Isabella takes good naps during the day, maybe not as long every time but she still naps. We have a bedtime routine and Isabella goes to bed at 8.30 pm most of the evenings. But at night she gets up at 4.00 am every night like a clock! She feeds for a while and goes back to her sleep. I don't mind much, but sometimes Daddy wakes up too and then he have to go to work all grumpy and tired. Hope our baby girl soon will find that sleep all night is so much better for you and she'll get back into better sleep habits.

Milestones: Such a fun month! She's learning so much and developing and meeting milestones! And its so exciting to watch it all! 
We are seeing a lot of smiles these days and getting little and big laughs too. When Isabella was 3.5 months old we recorded a short video with Isabella laughing. You can watch it on Vimeo by typing into search under the name of : Baby Isabella 3 months old!
Is incredible feeling to see your baby responding to you and really developing a little personality. She is quite happy to be held by other people but sometimes she just gets scared of the different  surroundings and cries for Mummy's hug. 
Isabella now can push up on her hands during tummy time, she brings her toys to her mouth and her hands and sucks on her arm. She recently started to roll from her back onto her side and we have a feeling that in the next few days she will be rolling from her back to her tummy. She grabs her toys with such an interest that  sometimes she screams loud from all that excitement. She likes to be carried outside in the garden she loves to look at the trees and plants. Isabella started to show a real interest in books and started to grab the book pages to help Mommy when she needs to turn the page! 
Overall she is a very happy baby and its amazing to be able to record every months milestones to see how fast your baby is growing. We love you our little darling! 

Thank you to my cousin Inga for such a beautiful Isabella's dress, she loves it!

Ugis/Svoris: Isabella sveria 7 kilogramus. Jos ugio mes vis  dar nezinome, manau teks pasiterauti apie tai musu sveikatos konsultantes kito visito metu.

Valgymas/ Maitinimas: Vis dar ta pati maitinimo rutina. Dienos metu ji gauna pieno misinuka ir kruties pieniuka. Jeigu ji pabunda nakti ji gauna tik kruties piena. Mes pabandeme ja supazindinti su virintu atvesintu vandenuku, bet ji ne is tolo nenori jo gerti. Todel stengiuosi duoti kruti tarp kiekvieno misinuko dienos begyje kad ji galetu nors truputi numalsinti troskuli, ypac siuo karstu vasaros metu.

Rubu Dydis: Visi rubeliai 3-6 men. dydzio. Kol kas nauju pirkiniu daryti nebereikia nes spintoje dar turime pakankamai daug nenaudotu rubu. Nesenai supakavau visus 0-3 dydzio rubus ir palaisvinau vieta naujiems tutu sijoneliams kuriuos mamyte nupirko vasaros rubeliu ispardavime! :)

Miegas: Isabella paskelbus miego streika siuo metu! Jauciu kad mes  patiriame baisuji 4 menesiu amziaus miego pasipriesinimo laikotarpi. Taciau dienos metu Isabella miega daznai, kad ir ne ilgai. Mes turime miego rezima ir Isabella yra guldoma miegui 8:30 vakaro bet  ji prasibunda 4 val. ryto tarsi zadintuvas! Tuomet ji gauna truputi kruties pieno ir vel uzmiega. As labai ir nepergyvenu bet kartais ir tevelis pabunda, o tada ryte jis visas paniures keliauja i darba :) Tikiuosi sis vaikutis greitai supras kad ismiegoti visa nakti yra labai smagu ir atsisakys savo kelimosi iprocio greitu laiku.

Pazengimai: Toks nuostabus dar vienas menuo! Ji taip sparciai pazengia, vystosi ir tobuleja jog nepaprastai smagu ja stebeti!
Daugybe sypseneliu si menesi, mazu ir dideliu su juokeliu! Kai Isabella buvo 3.5 menesio mes nufilmavome trumpa video su jos uzkrecianciu balsingu juoku. Video galite paziureti internete:  Vimeo ivede i paieska baby Isabella 3 months old!
Isabella vystosi i maza charakteri, ji mielai sutinka buti paimta svetimu zmoniu, bet kartais ji pradeda verkti nes issigasta neatpazystamo veido arba naujos vietos. Tuomet reikalingas skubus mamos apkabinimas ir bucinukas!
Isabella jau pasikelia rankutemis atliekant pilvuko meta. Ji dar neapsivercia pilnai nuo nugaros ant pilvuko bet jau pasiridena ant sono, manau kad dienu begyje ji prades verstis pilnai. Ji griebia kartais zaislus su tokia energija kad net krykstauja is pasitenkinimo. Jai patinka buti nesiojamai sode, ji ziuri i medzius ir augalus. Isabella pradejo rodyti susidomejima knygutemis ir mielai padeda mamai versti knygos puslapius!
Aplamai ji nuostabi ir gera mazyle, nepakartojamai smagu uzrasineti kiekvieno menesio pasiekimus ir stebeti kaip greitai ji auga. Mes tave labai mylime dukryte! 

1 comment:

  1. sveikinam sukakus 4mėn,nuostabiai atrodo Isabella,kur pyksta panaši į tave vienoj nuotraukoj o šiaip jau tikras tėvelis ,labai greitai auga ir keičiasi,smagu žiūrėt ,gaila kad mes taip toli,taip norisi pakilnot tokį ''kukulį'',bučiuojam tuos rausvus žandukus ir stipriai apkabinam,mylim,mylim,mylim!
