Friday 8 August 2014

Day trip to Isle of Wight

Our house is undergoing a bit of painting and renovation at the moment, so after days of dust and paint we left our paint brushes to soak in water, packed our bags and took a ferry to the Isle of Wight.

  A very early morning started in Ryde, only 20min ride by car from the East Cowes. and if you are looking for a sandy beaches and relaxed day just soaking the sun rays then you have picked the right place to come.

The next stop is Rosemary's Vineyard sitting on a Smallbrook Lane in Ryde. Its a family run small vineyard selling pretty good English red, white and rose wine. And they do make an English sparkling wine too. Free  guided tours and tastings will suit  any visitor.

 At 2pm. we arrived to Shanklin and had a lunch at The Waterfront Inn situated in a superb location on Shanklin's Esplanade.  Chicken Caesar salad is pretty good, and Goddards brewery bear is famous local drink.

  Passing by and leaving behind little villages and towns we arrived to Alum Bay to witness the islands  famous three distinctive stacks of chalk that rise from the sea- The Needles. Its pretty astonishing view. At the Needles Park you can take a ride on a chairlift to get a better look of the sandy beaches or take your little ones to the local Sweet making factory for a little tour. Glass blowing demonstrations taking place just across the road.

And that's pretty much it. There is plenty to visit and explore for the little ones on this Island so I would say its worth to take a family trip. And if you are interested in any sorts of Festivals there is always one to choose from.
But for now, Goodbye Isle of Wight, we had a good time.

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