Monday 4 August 2014

My Hair washing & Styling routine

Ok' so before I start just to let you know that there is no way I look like this everyday. most of the time my hair are pulled back into a pony tail or just up do. However I'm trying to establish my hair washing routine and if I do have spare time then I do the rollers too. Also I try to do the rollers on a day 2 or even 3 so that my hair will have more natural oils and curls last a bit longer. All the tips on how to wash and style my hair are given by my stylist who also cuts and highlights my hair. 

Yep...that's my pretty much all hair products I use. Not all at once  that would be very silly of me :)  but  I do like to experiment and try out new products, so I might use one conditioner one day and then try another new hair product next time.

Tangle Teezer. This bad boy will gently remove any tangles and loose hair, allowing for a less-damaging wash.Try to avoid using water that is too hot when washing your hair, this can allow the hair cuticle to open too much, causing frizziness and split ends. And this has been my major problem for the past year or so, as I do like a hot shower my hair is always are washed in a water that is simply just too hot. Then I end up with so many knots and frizzy hair that even my Tangle Teezer struggles to pull them out.  My personal tip: try to wash your hair separately if you can from your regular every day shower. Also I wash my hair only twice a week allowing me to have some styling time. 
Use only small amount of shampoo to wash your hair. 
Using a little pressure at the scalp can really increase blood flow and circulation, causing the follicles to stimulate new hair growth! The ends of your hair are definitely the most fragile as they are the oldest. Try not to focus any scrubbing here, instead, just run the fingers through to the ends when you’re done in a straight, stroking motion.

Conditioner is the most important part of your washing routine as it adds the moisture back in to the hair that the shampoo may have stripped.  As a general rule, the longer you leave the conditioner in the better. 
Hair Mask. If you’re  using heat or colour on your hair, adding a hair mask in to your weekly routine is essential.  This will bring back a tonne of moisture and really boost the healthiness of your locks. I got a very good tip of using a hair turban  towel ( you can get them  at  Boots, Primark and Marks & Spencer sell them too) I apply my hair mask to my wet hair, cover with ''turbie'' and make myself a nice cup of tea.

After 15min. I wash my hair with just a water and using a regular towel squeeze the excess water out and leave my hair wrapped in a towel for another minute or so.

Don't brush your wet hair  – Your hair is the most fragile when it’s wet so try to avoid brushing at this time. Instead, use your fingers, a wide toothed comb or a Tangle Teezer. Sometimes I just leave them to dry out but if I'm in a rush then I blow dry  using my blow dryer  adding some hair mousse and heat protecting spray.

Use some heat to set your rollers. I remember days when I use to set my rollers in my hair with out any heat and then later pull my bottom lip in disbelieve when no curls would come at all... If you want a good result you have to heat your hair ( choose a small section of your hair heat it up with a heat tongs and straight away roll on to a roller. Secure with a hair pin. Spray a little bit of hair spray.) leave to set your rollers for at least 20-30 min. I usually leave them in for about 1.5 h. Tip: the bigger the roller the bigger the curl, so I use bigger rollers on top of my head to give some volume and use the smaller rollers to my ends to achieve the curls.

After taking rollers out brush your hair with a paddle brush or use just your fingers, add  a little amount of serum to give your hair a healthy shine. Style as you like and spray with hair spray all over your hair. Voila!

Hope you enjoyed reading my tips and although it may not work for everyone just a bit of practice comes a long way. When I first started using Velcro rollers they used to stick to my hair so bad that I pulled and screamed and shouted that I will never use those stupid rollers again in my life! But after a few attempts I have learned some tricks and mastered my everyday ( or should I say occasional hairstyle look).

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