Tuesday 23 September 2014

My darling baby girl Isabella -6 Months Old!

 Height/Weight: Isabella's weight is just over 19 lbs. or 9 kg. Oh yes! She is a big chubby baby!

Clothes Sizes: officially we just moved onto 6-9 clothes, but still wearing some of the last 3-6 months. Yesterday I have bought Isabella her first Halloween outfit! she looks so adorable in it! Photo shoot to come. 

Food: Welcome to the world of solids my baby girl! We fed her her first solids just a few  days after her 5th month, just few spoonful's of sweet potato and she loved it, but the following day I gave her some parsnips and she was not  keen at all. We are using the books by Anabel Karmel as a guide to make all of her food.  She didn't love the parsnip to start with , but we tried again week later and she took about 2 spoons worth. Everyone has told me that it's normal for babies to take awhile to like food and to just keep offering it. We are loving  peas,carrots, pears, apples, avocado and ripe banana. It will be fun to watch her try all of the different foods and see her reactions. Oh and we started on a baby yogurt yesterday( suitable from 6 months). I took an advice from one Mommy and gave her combo breakfast: one spoon of cereal, spoon of cooked mashed apple and spoon of yogurt. Oh my! She was asking for more! Little piggy. We do drink formula (Aptamil follow up from 6 months) milk 5 times a day, but with her solids I just follow her cues on how much she wants to drink and she never seems to finish all bottle now. However in a morning and evening she drinks full 6 ounces of formula milk.
We are loving our Mothercare Valencia highchair and Tommee Tippee feeding spoons.

Sleep: Oh my! What a difference just a few weeks can make. But I'm holding our moments closely as baby's do suddenly change their sleeping patterns overnight! For now we are just enjoying our long nice evenings and proper night sleeps. Isabella sleeps from 7pm.to 7am. Shhh..... don't tell anyone please! I have a feeling that it wont last long as poor baby is teething again.

We have a pretty typical bedtime routine: we do a bath, bottle and snuggle a bit in our bed and then I put her down in her cot and she usually falls right asleep.  Sometimes she will fuss a bit then Daddy gives another hug or two :) if she is sometimes up at night for a short moment usually she can soothe herself back to sleep.And yes, her cot bed is still with us in our bedroom. And we all still happy with it, when the time is right one day.....

 Milestones: How can even be possible that my sweet baby girl is 6 months already! Half a year just flew by! It is surreal to me how much more quickly time passes as soon as you have a baby. It's like someone presses the fast forward button and you just want to hit pause. To celebrate such a very special date Mummy baked a giant cupcake! We are going to be eating this cake  for the rest of the week :))) P.S. don't worry the baby is safe she is not aloud the cake just yet :)

She can sit now for longer times but still with a bit of assistance or help of pillows. She also loves to stand and can stand with a tiny bit of support or using an object as support. She has zero interest in crawling right now, but can move her way around her cot when she's on her belly. She also recently started to "reach out" to us when she wants to be picked up or sees us coming to pick her up. It's adorable. I know this is just normal baby stuff, but whoa, it totally blows us away to experience it.She's more alert and more interested in everything around her.
She is also very vocal and makes lots of very funny noises. One of them sounds like this Dah-Dah. Can it be a Dada? Oh believe me Daddy is over the moon..... :)

Ugis/Svoris: Isabella sveria 9 kg. O taip didele ir sunki musu mazyle! Augam!

Rubu Dydis: Mes oficialiai jau pradejome nesioti 6-9 menesiu rubelius.

Maistas: Sveika atvykusi i Maisto pasauli mano dukryte! Keleta dienu po jos penkto menesio sukaktuviu mes jai daveme truputi saldzios sutrintos bulves ir atrode kad ji jai visai patiko, bet kita diena bandymas supazindinti su parsnip buvo nesekmingas. Visas jos kosytes as gaminu pagal Anabel Karmel knygas. Taigi praejus savaitei mes vel pabandeme duoti parsnip ir sysyki rodos visai neblogai nes ji mielai suvalge kelis saukstelius. daug kas man sako jog normalu kad mazylis atsisako valgyti butent kuri nors vaisiu ar darzove bet po keliu meginimu mielai jas pripazysta. Mes jau valgome kriausiu piure,obuoliu piure, ivairiu darzoviu,ragaujame prinokusi banana ir avokada.Taip pat mes jau valgome mazyliu jogurta (skirta nuo 6 men.) Vienos mamytes patarimu mes pradejome valgyti combo pusrycius kuriuos Isabella labia megsta.Sumaisytas Saukstelis jogurto, saukstelis dribsniu, saukstelis obuoliu piure.mes geriame formules pieniuka 5 kartus per diena. Su maitinimu ji isgeria kur kas maziau nei anksciau isgerdavo, bet as jai duodu tiek kiek ji to nori. Rytais ir vakarais ji isgeria 180ml. pieniuko.
Mums labai patinka musu naujoji kedute is Mothercare ''Valencia'' ir Tommee Tippee valgymo sauksteliai.

Miegas: Koks didelis keliu savaiciu skirtumas musu miegelio pasaulyje!Bet as dziaugiuosi tyliai ir atsargiai nes mazyliai gali labai greitai persigalvoti ir iprasta miego rutina apversti aukstyn kojom per viena nakti! kol kas mes megaujames ilgais vakarais ir ramiom naktim. Nuojauta man kuzda kad ilgai taip gerai nebus, mums dygsta kiti dantukai o tai pranasauja neramias nakteles.Musu rutina iprasta: vonia, pieniukas ir pasidziaugimas su Mama. Jei ji kartais pabunda trumpam tuomet Tetukas leidzia jai zinoti jog mes abu esam  netoli, tuomet ji pati uzsnusta.

Pasiekimai: Kaip taip ir buti gali jog mano saldi maza dukryte jau 6 menesiu! Puse metu prabego taip greitai!Tiesiog neytiketina kaip greitai bega laikas turint vaikeli.tarsi kas butu nuspaudes greicio mygtuka kurio neina sustabdyti.Atzymeti tokia svarbia musu sukakti as iskepiau dideli keksiuka/keksa kuri mes valgysime visa likusia savaite  :)P.S. nesijaudinkite Isabella nenukentejo nuo keksiuko persivalgymo, jai tortu dar negalima, kol kas ;)

Isabella jau beveik sedi pati tik su trupuciu musu pagalbos arba pagalviu apsuptyje.Ji taip pat stovi su musu pagalba bet laisvai stovi atsiremusi i koki nors daikta. Sliauzioti ji visai nesiruosia nes demesio ir idomumo tam visiskai neskiria, bet ant pilvuko gali apsisukti visu savo ugiu aplinkui visa savo lovyte.Ji visai nesenai pradejo tiesti rankutes prasydama ja paimti.Suprantu kad tai normalus mazyles pasiekimas bet mums abiems tai tokia palaima stebeti visa tai! Isabella labai vokali siomis dienomis ir isleidzia visokiausiu idomiu garsu. Vienas is tu garsu skamba taip Dah -Dah ar tai galetu reiksti Daddy? 
Patikekite, Tetis tarsi devintame danguje....... 

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Isabella's Summer!

We haven't traveled too far and didn't go abroad this year as I am a bit too little, but what a Summer we had at home!
 Best Summer I had with my Mummy, Daddy, family and friends!

I have met my great Uncles and great Aunties in Norfolk and had a cuddles with them all!

I took my Mummy strawberry picking every day in June! She loves Strawberries!

When we where away from home, we didn't had my lovely bathtub, so Daddy bathed me in a tiny tiny washing bawl!

Love my Grandad Eddie.

Adults eat so much in this house! Salads, kebabs and lots of cakes!
All Summer long!

Best moments with my DADDY! xxx

Daddy is soooo talented, he painted the hall, the landing and the ceilings all by himself!

and we got new carpets laid on our stairs, just in time before I start my crawling :)))

Great grannany Beryl and great grandad John visited us this Summer, I was just a bit too tired for my photos...

My Mummy likes books and ice cream!

I love my  dresses...

just chilling out with uncle Darius

Mummy decided to bake a different flavor cupcake every week!

guess who have to eat them.....

we had a very hot British Summer this year!  little lady's do wear a hats!

this is my favorite time of the day...looking at the books while Daddy or Mummy reads the story

and more cupcakes...

Mummy have been drinking lots and lots of Frappucinos? I have no idea what is that, but is definitely not a milk!

I have been visiting my older brother Marius. He works in a kitchen as a chef! Oh yes, don't mess with my food!

Daddy is very proud of his tomatoes grown from little seeds!

we walked a lot....I am the one far away with my Daddy: enjoying a ride!

Mummy is baking again....

Summer is for pretty sandals!

Goodbye Summer and see you next year!  now I'm ready for my Autumn adventures and looking forward to my first Christmas!