Wednesday 10 September 2014

Isabella's Summer!

We haven't traveled too far and didn't go abroad this year as I am a bit too little, but what a Summer we had at home!
 Best Summer I had with my Mummy, Daddy, family and friends!

I have met my great Uncles and great Aunties in Norfolk and had a cuddles with them all!

I took my Mummy strawberry picking every day in June! She loves Strawberries!

When we where away from home, we didn't had my lovely bathtub, so Daddy bathed me in a tiny tiny washing bawl!

Love my Grandad Eddie.

Adults eat so much in this house! Salads, kebabs and lots of cakes!
All Summer long!

Best moments with my DADDY! xxx

Daddy is soooo talented, he painted the hall, the landing and the ceilings all by himself!

and we got new carpets laid on our stairs, just in time before I start my crawling :)))

Great grannany Beryl and great grandad John visited us this Summer, I was just a bit too tired for my photos...

My Mummy likes books and ice cream!

I love my  dresses...

just chilling out with uncle Darius

Mummy decided to bake a different flavor cupcake every week!

guess who have to eat them.....

we had a very hot British Summer this year!  little lady's do wear a hats!

this is my favorite time of the day...looking at the books while Daddy or Mummy reads the story

and more cupcakes...

Mummy have been drinking lots and lots of Frappucinos? I have no idea what is that, but is definitely not a milk!

I have been visiting my older brother Marius. He works in a kitchen as a chef! Oh yes, don't mess with my food!

Daddy is very proud of his tomatoes grown from little seeds!

we walked a lot....I am the one far away with my Daddy: enjoying a ride!

Mummy is baking again....

Summer is for pretty sandals!

Goodbye Summer and see you next year!  now I'm ready for my Autumn adventures and looking forward to my first Christmas! 

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