Tuesday 23 December 2014

Isabella - 9 Months Old!





Weight/ Height and Health: Isabella is now 21lb. or 9.540 kg. (91st.percentile).She is wearing size 4 nappies.

We've all been sick on and off during Isabella's 8th month and poor Isabella has had cold after cold. Hope this terrible cold will be in the past soon. Our doctor told me it's normal for a baby to get 10 colds in their first year… I hope we don't get into that number :(

Clothes: I recently packed away a bunch of Isabella's clothes…that was emotional. Isabella is wearing some 6-12 month stuff ,and some 9-12 months, but I'm only buying 9-12 or 12-18 now since she's starting to grow out of most 6-12 stuff. I've also purchased a few 18-24 items. I figure she can wear them longer/grow into them.

 Food: I'm still making all of Isabella's food and she absolutely loves eating. New foods we've tried recently include cheese, whole grain bread, peaches, honeydew melon, blueberries, watermelon, spinach.  She loves rice cakes and corn puffs. She started to really chew recently and is able to munch on larger pieces of food as well as feed herself. She drinks 3 to 4 bottles of milk a day.

Sleep: Well hallelujah!  Isabella has been much more consistent with her sleep this past month.  She goes to sleep between 7 and 7:30 p.m. and most mornings she wakes up between 7:30-8 a.m.   Rarely, she will wake up in the middle of the night. Sometimes she self-soothes  and goes back to sleep and sometimes we will cuddle her for a few minutes.  We are hoping her good sleeping sticks around…it helps when we can get more rest! Isabella's routine hasn't changed all that much since last month.  She usually takes about 2 naps a day, one shorter 1/2 hour nap in the morning and then another longer one (normally about 1.5 hours) in the afternoon.

Milestones: She is definitely very mobile.  I would not say that she is exactly crawling yet but she moves around like a ninja!  She backwards crawls, rolls over multiple times and gradually moves around. She likes  dancing,  clapping, starting to wave (sort of, she's getting there), sometimes points to things. She also loves anything that can make music. She will bang wooden blocks together or other toys that rattle and sway side to side "dancing" as she makes music. She loves to eat, she loves cat Poppy and her bath time with Daddy. Also we now have 6 teeth!
Her favourite toy at the moment is her Bumble Bee (soft toy) she got  it from my brother some time ago. She drags it around and cuddles and gives kisses, its so sweet to watch! Pulling things out of boxes and putting them back in is her new favourite thing.

We are so looking forward to the Christmas Day when we can get up in the morning dressed up in pyjamas and unwrap our presents from Santa! Its also Isabella's first Christmas this year so its going to be even more magical!.....I don't need any presents from Santa this year as I have one already....Mummy Loves you with all her heart! Merry Christmas my BABY! 

Merry Christmas  and a very Happy New Year to all my Readers! xxxx

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