Wednesday 11 February 2015

Isabella's Meals

Beef Meatballs with steamed broccoli and courgette buttons. Pasta mixed with Philadelphia cheese. Nectarines. Water.

Baby Pancakes.
Baby Pancakes served with Blueberry and Apple Sauce. Water.

Lamb, Vegetable and Mushroom Casserole. Sliced kiwi fruit and cherries. Water.

I always use Coconut oil to cook Isabella's food, occasionally I use olive oil and butter.

Portion Size: Depends on her appetite. Sometimes she has two frozen cubes of food portion and eats all of it, sometimes she never finishes one. Today she had one cube of chicken with apricots and one cube of  Strawberries, Blackberries and Apples. Also she had a few bites of her cheddar cheese and apple rice cakes. Water.
Turkey, Apple, Carrot and Red Pepper Meatballs.

Turkey Meatballs served with Cheesy pasta sauce.

Pasta with avocado, steamed broccoli, chopped peach and blueberries. Water.

 Porridge mixed with Weetabix, mashed banana and kiwi fruit puree. Water.

 Organix Plum Porridge and mashed banana with kiwi fruit. Water.

Apple and Kale.

Chicken and Vegetables, Apple, Pear and Raisin Puree, Blueberries. Water.

Sliced Banana and Raspberries.
Strawberries, Apple, Cherries, Peach
 Peeled and cut in half green grapes and slices of clementine
  Cheerio's in a tea cup!

Vegetables with mushrooms and split red lentils. Apple, Pear and Plum puree, sliced nectarine. Water. We also take ''Wellbaby''infant vitamins every day with her lunch. P.S. DRINK FROM THE TEA CUP TRIAL.....

Veal Casserole, Sliced peaches, pears and kiwi fruit. Water.

  Vegetable Ratatouille

  Vegetable Ratatouille and Oven cooked Salmon fillets.

Vegetable Ratatouille and Salmon, sliced Strawberries and Mango. Water.

Isabella always been a good eater, and she's been very good with  new foods. I try to introduce one new vegetable or fruit every other week. Pallet training is time consuming and not always easy, but the wider variety of foods I will introduce at early age the less fussy she will be in  her toddler stage.
Hopefully :)

She is very good at eating finger foods like cheese, breadsticks, fruits and veggies, but any other food has to be mushed and mixed with pretty much just a lumpy texture. If she finds a tiny piece of carrot she usually spits it out. Yes, and we have 8 teeth! Hopefully she soon will get used to the chunkier consistency in her food.
I love cooking her food and enjoy making new recipes for her to try. We are slowly introducing her to our food: I cooked  vegetable ratatouille for us with out any salt and used some for her salmon dinner. I still freeze most of her food. She loves yogurt and loves her fruits. I'm not in a rush to introduce any other puddings just yet. We don't eat much bread either as she is not a big sandwich eater.
I also know that in the next two months our meals will start to change and I look forward to make her some delicious and amazing things in our kitchen...

Love you baby girl!
Your Mamma.





1 comment:

  1. smagu matyt kaip sveikai ir skaniai valgot,didžiuojuosi tavo sugebėjimu ir begaliniu noru tiek daug ir skaniai gaminti,bučiukai abiems mano mergytės!
