Tuesday 24 February 2015

Isabella- 11 Months old!

My girl is 11 months. Wonderful and sad, exciting and sentimental, the feelings mixed all together and I can't stop thinking at how fast this year has gone by.
Isabella is getting more and more confident each day and she's now crawling regularly and it's such fun watching her. I'm so proud of the little girl she's becoming and you can tell she is proud of herself too.
 I feel like I'll never quite have the words to adequately describe how much I adore her. I never ever feel like my words do her justice or that they reflect how much I truly love her. She's at an age now where I'm really feeling a sense of closeness between us that is very special. She has always been a cuddly and sweet baby, but now that she interacts, communicates and understands more, it brought that to a whole new level for me. I'm her mama and she shows me she loves me and it's the best feeling in the whole world. 

 At the end of next month we will be celebrating the day this sweet girl was born and yet it feels like only yesterday I held her tiny little body in my arms on the day that our lives changed forever.



Weight/Height/Health: Last month we had our 10 month development and health check. Finally we have been measured. Isabella's height is 74cm. She is now 22lb.9oz or 10.250 kg. We have been on and off with colds but hopefully soon will be warmer weather upon us and an end to the  ''snuffled'' little noses.

Clothes: Most of her tops are 9-12moths in size, and trousers I find fits her better in size 12-18 months. We look forward to the warmer weather so we can wear lighter clothes and pretty skirts.

Food: As we are approaching ''toddlerhood'' we now exploring more and more different foods every day to expand Isabella's food pallet. She is much better at finger foods and we do both baby led weaning recipes with chunkier textures for her to explore and I still  mush certain foods for her. She loves berries, fruits and vegetables. We have started to explore the world of soup and savoury muffins. She is in love with them, they are very handy as a snack when we are out and about. She likes to hold a spoon and feeds herself, so you can imagine how messy we look after our meal ''ceremony'' :)
New foods we tried this month: Cheerio's, First Vegetable Curry, Pumpkin Risotto, Sardine Fishcakes, Baby Banana bread( no sugar, eggs or dairy), Homemade pizza with pesto and courgette and Papaya fruit. She loves clementine's a lot( not surprised as I used to eat bags of them when pregnant). We continue drinking formula milk three times a day and water in between the meals.
Its a lot easier now she eats almost everything, the other day we where in town all three of us and popped in to ''Carluccio's'' for a lunch. We just ordered Isabella Macaroni Cheese small portion from the kids menu and she loved it.

Sleep: Isabella is a good sleeper, but recently she decided to make a protest against her afternoon nap and is just becomes too much sometimes for her. If she misses her sleep she is all grumpy and tired. She still goes to bed 7-7.30 pm and wakes up around 7am. For the past two days she is been a bit unwell and full of colds so her sleep routine  got disturbed again.
And finally our little baby girl is no longer sleeping in our bedroom. Week ago we decided it was time for her to sleep in her bedroom and time for us to have our room back. Surprisingly we didn't felt bad or sad about it at all, and that's just proofed to be the right decision and time. She slept so well in her room that night and looked so cosy and  we kept going to check on her a few times. Its good to have our bedroom looking like a bedroom again :) It only took us 11 months to complete this mission....:)
And I love to spend the time in her nursery getting all ready for her sleep. We spent some time together sorting out her outgrown clothes another day and she was so happy and playful.


CRAWLING! That is the most major one, she started to crawl week after her 10month update on the 2nd of February. The other thing I will mention is that it is very clear she can understand many things. I can say "go get your cookie jar" or "Where's Poppy?'' our cat  and she correctly identifies the objects and retrieves them when I ask her too. She also understands "put the shapes inside the toy" (or whatever objects) and does it. Sometimes she nods her head as she is doing the task. She also started to point at everything. She points and wants us to name everything. She can also sometimes identify objects we ask her to "where are the dog?" and she correctly points to them.( so far she knows dog, cat, house, lion) . She also started to point when she wants something or will point at her book after we've read it because she wants me to read it again. Or she passes me a book she wants me to read. She is more vocal and babbles a lot. I could have sworn she said hallo the other day and since then she repeats that word when she sees me or Daddy in the morning. Clever little girl!

Likes: dancing, crawling, cruising, music, when kids are singing on TV,  being mischievous, saying dadadada, mama, hallo, laughing, books, Poppy the cat, her piano toy, throwing balls and cups, playing "catch," peek-a-boo, playing with the Mummy's baking paper in the kitchen,bath time...We do lots of playdates and started swimming  classes.


Thank you for Reading! The next month is the last post of her monthly updates. I'm too sad about it, but happy that this little baby is turning into pretty little girl! xxxx

1 comment:

  1. labai gražiai atrodo Isabella ir kaip matau smarkiai tobulėja,jau greitai pradės vaikščioti nes bando stotis kur tik eina,bet tuo pačiu labai domisi ir tuo kas neleistina tai rozetėmis ir visokiais kištukais,puiku kad nupirkot kamuoliukų baseną tai nuostabi atsipalaidavimo vieta mažyliui,aukit sveikos taip ir toliau lauksim nuotraukyčių už mėnesio,bučiukai ir apkabinimai
