Friday 24 April 2015

Isabella- 13 Months Old!

I have decided to continue my posts on Isabella's monthly updates. Is just something so special, it gives me a real pleasure to write them, and you do forget things over the time so its a bit like a memory book when you can keep all the special moments in one place then go back and read them all over again. So here we are already 13 months old my baby girl!


Isabella's dress and sunglasses are both from

Isabella is blowing our minds lately. She is the sweetest, funniest, most joyful little girl. Her personality is emerging more and more each week and she has so many adorable things she does now that it's hard to keep track of them all. Isabella  has a very playful personality and her receptive language is unreal right now. She understands lots of things and follows specific commands. She is eager to learn and discover and frustrates easily when she can't figure something out, sometimes she starts crying and screaming and then she's overjoyed when she does figure it out. She  hugs, kisses and cuddles us and her stuffed toys.

Weight/Height/Health : We have missed last months weight clinic, so hopefully I can catch up and do her weight next month. Isabella received all her 12 month vaccinations. Health wise she has been doing well. She still have 8 teeth, but I'm pretty sure she's teething again.
Clothes: With the sunshine coming out more regularly we have changed our winter hats into summer ones and packed  the fleece pyjamas away. Still sometimes I have no idea what to dress her like, as the Spring days are constantly changing. Isabella wears 12-18 month clothes.

Food: She is a good eater and loves her food. However she is getting a bit picky and  occasionally she eats very little. I was expecting these  changes at her age.
She still loves and eats almost all her fruits and vegetables. Loves home baked cheese straws, muffins etc. With her meals we still do both:  BLW (baby led weaning) and some chopped/minced food especially if its meat or chicken. She does love her finger food like mini toast or sandwich, pieces of fruit or cooked vegetables, especially the peas! She could eat a big plate of cooked peas in no time! Loves broccoli, watermelon, clementine's etc. Successfully introduced kale leaves, beans, beetroot, sweetcorn and quinoa. 
We almost transitioned Isabella to the whole cows milk, she gets one 6 oz.bottle in the morning of cows milk, and the same amount of formula milk before bed. She also have milk with her morning cereal or Weetabix.

She loves Beetroot and Potato Soup!


Baby Muffin Recipe is coming soon on a blog!

Sleep: Isabella is sleeping through the night! From around 7:00 sometimes 7:45 ish through 6:30 a.m. sometimes 7:20a.m. Once in a while she will wake up in the middle of the night and go back to sleep on her own. Sometimes one of us has to actually go into her room. This has been huge for us because getting enough sleep makes life a lot easier as parents. 


She understands so much…goes to her changing mat  when I ask if her nappy needs to be changed, points at absolutely everything, can follow many commands and identify objects ("where's your book?/ go get me your book"). She can also "answer" simple questions like "where is your socks?" and she will look down and grab her foot. The first time she did it I thought it was a fluke, but nope, girl knows where her socks belong.

Once we started to ignore her tantrums ( yes the ''Tantrum Season'' has arrived!) they've improved. She still tests our boundaries a lot (touch things on purpose she knows she's not supposed to, watching to see our reaction when she does this, etc).

She is rarely outgoing, smiley and vocal when we arrive somewhere new. She gets very very serious and her facial expressions shows it! Once she has been there for a while and explored a bit, her usual self comes right out and she's back to being more interactive.
She is my little observer :)

Likes: Walking with Daddy or me or her walker is her biggest like right now!  She is not walking by herself yet. Oh and she loves to ride her Disney's Frozen  Push Car. She also likes to test boundaries, take things in and out of boxes, point to everything, say ''hello'' to almost everything, pushing things to slide along the floor, Poppy the cat, playing with her picnic basket, putting blueberries or other finger food in her basket, playing peek-a-boo with nearly anything that can cover her face, remote controls ( we try not to give them to her and even if she has one she is under very strict supervision) being read to, she will point to anything in the book and we tell her what exactly it is or what it means. Loves music and dances when she hears her favourite songs. 

Dislikes: Hair bows or hair bands! In fact even the hats! The days of the headbands are over.....She wriggles and shouts  when we need to clean her face or hands after the meal.
She don't like socks and takes them off as soon as I leave the room :)
Thank you for reading! xxx

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