Friday 15 June 2012

Teacups and cupcakes

Finally my first experience of attending Summer fair is over:) Its been a real pleasure to plan everything for that day and a  little bit stressful too, as I felt really nervous attending such an event. Think  I can proudly say it was kind of successful day, compare that it wasn't that busy at all. I met a girl who bakes an amazing cupcakes and have a real talent at decorating wedding cakes. So one name to my contact book is added:)Also I got one possible booking for my vintage china hire and met an old lady who is willing to sell lots and lots of vintage china:))) I have been very lucky, as my good friend Tara stayed with me all day long and didn't even minded a very chilly evening outside:) She was proud to wear my teacup apron too. My son Marius baked me some chocolate brownies and little mini meringues to take with me. I even got my amazing earrings in a shape of teapot! I think I'm getting a bit crazy with all those teapots! So for now my teacups and teapots are back in their boxes and are safely stored in the cupboard. Shortly I will tell you my story how it all began from two china teacups in my kitchen dresser and enrolled into  60 more pieces of beautiful vintage china which I decided to turn into hiring business. But all about is next time...with love

Lewis Simply Swinging!