Friday 16 November 2012

The Bridal Shop Experience

First...I must tell you, that despite the fact that I always knew what type and style wedding  dress I wanted - I'm now even more confused since my visit to the Farnham Boutique. I did not find my dream dress and I booked another visit to the different  bridal shop. Don't get me wrong the Farnham Boutique have lots of beautiful dresses, but it seems that nothing really pleased my eye. Some dresses where way too small even to try them on, and some dresses needed to have lots of pins at the back to keep me fitted in. So my motivation to loose some weight is now bigger than ever, I just don't know how to say NO to a nice slice of cake, I hate skinny cappuccinos and I'm not a big fan of the Gym :(  

 But I discovered that the dress I would normally never choose myself , looked rather impressive!
So my advice to the brides to be, please please visit as many Bridal shops as you can, and try as many dresses as you like, especially the ones you think is not for you and just enjoy the experience! You will be surprised how one minute you are in love with the lace and beaded details and next you are charmed by tulle and chiffon gowns.
I  just wish  that all this  dress shopping experience would be as simple as you shop for cup of coffee. Walked in -saw the dress - tried on - liked - fits perfectly - well - job done!

So for now I just have to stick to something that actually suits me  and not to something that looks good in a window display and keep looking for that special dress. I am open minded so i know that soon, very soon I will find that very oh so special dress! xxxx

Photos by : Vintage Peonies
Bridal Shop :    Farnham Boutique in Surrey, website:

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