Sunday 25 November 2012

One Year

Is one year today since I got engaged  to most wonderful man, on this beautiful beach in Dorset.
He is the anchor of my life. He truly is.
I always have a shoulder to cry on, strong hands that hold me to make me feel safe, and a smile that ensures me I am the luckiest girl in the world.
I love you darling with all my heart and look forward to marry you next year........

If you said you were cold. 
I would wrap my arms around you. 
If you said you were thirsty I would give you the ocean blue.
I would give you anything - the moon, the stars, the sunset too. 
This heart in my hands I hold out to you.

 By Katiynd Jenkins

Jei tu ištartum jog tau šalta. Aš tave apkabinčiau savo rankom.
Jei tu ištartum kad esi ištroškes aš tau atiduočiau júros gelmę.
Aš atiduočiau tau viską – mėnulį, žvaigždes ir saulėlydį.
Šita širdį rankose aš tau laikau.

P.S. We stayed in this beautiful old English hotel,where every room was lit with candles and it was so peaceful so relaxed. We ate most delicious food and had some amazing wine from local vineyard.....

Bridge House Hotel, Beaminster, Dorset.UK.