Thursday 12 September 2013

Our Wedding- The Ceremony...









Bride given Away by : My brother Darius, as my Dad is no longer with us I thought it would be a wonderful idea to ask my brother in my Dads memory.
The Car : Jason's Dad's  Vintage Riley. Its a long story. once we got engaged we asked Jason's Dad if he could possibly drive us to the ceremony on our wedding day in his old vintage car. However the condition the car was in at that time 1.5 years ago, looked nothing like you see it today. So Dad agree that he will fix the car. And he did - all by himself! Thank you Dad!
Maid of Honour: my cousin Inga wearing beautiful Ted Baker dress.
Best Man: Jason's childhood friend Steven
Confetti: dried fresh rose and hydrangea petals. I have been collecting and drying the flowers for almost a year. Jason's Mum and sister helped too :)
Bunting: we hanged some bunting in the Barn to give that vintage feel and look. All bunting has been hand made by Jason's Mum.
2nd Ceremony: We had our civil ceremony outside, but officially all legal documents and vows has to be done inside the Barn.
Champagne Saucers: John Lewis. Decorated with vintage ribbons by my Mum.

With Love.....



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