Sunday 6 October 2013

Final Garden Update

 Our Crab Apple Tree is full of little apples
Picked some Blackberries behind the fence : they will be going straight into the freezer for a delicious Apple Blackberry Tart later this year.

Cabbages ready to be picked

Potato crop is not huge this year, but they do taste lovely! 

Clearing the Garden

Tomatoes enjoying the last sunshine
Leeks starting to look more like a Leeks now :)

Cleaning the Pumpkins

Purple Sprouting Broccoli

Picking some Crab Apples to make  Crab Apple Jelly

Last Cucumbers

and some almost last Tomatoes.....
So our Garden says Goodbye  for now till  next year. The enjoyment of the gardening is been huge, but due to the Wedding planning etc. we spared a little time and attention to our garden this year. We are planning to grow more different varieties of vegetables and fruits. So our next Garden Update is coming in Spring 2014!

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