Thursday 24 April 2014

Isabella - One Month Old!

Height / Weight: We are not sure of Isabella's exact height, as she was never measured since birth.Our health visitor suggested to measure her  in a later stage of baby's development, as the length measurement is not very accurate at this stage. However we have noticed a very big growth spur in Isabella, as her legs are gone very long and her newborn sized sleepsuits are already way too small. 
Today we had visited our health nurses at Baby Clinic. Isabella's weight is 4.800kg / 10lbs 9oz. 
Very happy Mommy and happy Baby!

Eating / Feeding: I am exclusively breastfeeding. For the first 3 weeks we had no feeding routine as Isabella was feeding on demand. But now we have established some sort of timing pattern.During the day she feeds every 2-3 hours. She sleeps well at night so I only feed her late in the evening, once at night and in the early hours of the morning. She started to fuss more in the evening but during the day she is very good baby most of the time :)

Clothes Sizes: Isabella has grown out of all newborn sizes. So I am pleased that I haven't purchased too many newborn size clothes, we only had around 6 sleepsuits and 6 vests. At the moment she is wearing 0-1 and 0-3 months clothes. Some of them are still too big, but that depends on the clothing brand.

Milestones:  So many! Isabella is a very happy baby for most of the time, she only cries when she is hungry or tired. Daddy made up a cute song when she is hungry ; ''Mummy Mummy Mummy I want milk in my tummy, and I wanna wanna Now!''    How cute is that!!!!  :)
Also she is already trying to lift her head when she is on a tummy and likes following Mommy's movements.
Smiling when Mommy or Daddy is talking to her!



  1. neapsakomas jausmas ,labai ilgiuosi jusų,toks gražus jos kuodelis įrišk kaspinėlį.Labai paaugo,štai kaip greitai pralėkė mėnuo,pralėks ir kiti,nepajusit,sveikatos jums abiems,buciukai

  2. Shes growing fast (: georgous
    Love the yellow mat!
    Hopefully will see you both tomorrow
    Domi xx
