Tuesday 22 April 2014

Bits & Pieces

Beautiful flower bouquet arrived from Jason's work colleagues.

I'm 2 weeks old and can fit in the basket with my Bunny beside me :)

Hello Bunny!

I love my cuddles with Nanna Dana :) xxxxx

Some Easter decorations...

How cute is this Bunny! xxx

A gift from Grandparents :)

Cuddles with Daddy :) Loving those precious moments! xxx

Oh those ruffles! love love love Baby Baker outfits!  

Thank you to my friend Laura and her family for a lovely gift to Isabella! we can't wait to wear this cute little dress! x

Isabella's first trip to the Supermarket.

Daddy planted an apple tree for the baby Isabella. 

At this time last year I was trying on my wedding dress for the very first time :) xxxx

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