Wednesday 28 May 2014

Baby's and Mommy's Hospital Bag

I thought I would share what I had  in my baby's and mommy's hospital bag. It took me a while to figure out what I will definitely need to take it with me to the hospital.  I have printed a  few different lists from the various websites and had a list of things to take from my hospital in which I gave birth.
Some of the stuff I took with me was never used or need it at all, so it is up to a personal liking what you would like to pack with you.
Also I have decided to take two small bags so I could separate into baby's and my own bag.
This beautiful ''Yummy Mummy'' changing bag I have ordered from the Pink Lining website, during their Autumn Sale. I love the color and practicality of this bag, its versatile, have lots of pockets, little mirror, key holders, changing mat, thermo pockets and long shoulder strap. 
In a side pockets I have packed some baby toiletries which was on a hospital list, some energy sweets during labour and Aptamil milk with sterilized teats it comes in pack of 6 ( some hospitals in UK do not provide formula milk if  you can't breastfeed) however I took that little bottle out of bag as the hospital where I was staying do provide their own formula milk.
We have put some change in the front pocket of the bag for car park and coffee :)
For the baby I have packed :
4 muslin's
Bath towel and 2 washcloths
20 newborn No1. Pampers Sensitive nappies
Nappy bags
Bag of cotton wool balls
Water wipes
2 bodysuits 
2 sleep suits
Newborn hat
2 bibs and pair of socks
Going home outfit:
2 hats, one is knitted 
1 pair of mittens
bodysuit and sleep suit
warm cardigan
Baby's blanket is packed in my bag.
Don't forget your baby's car seat,  Maternity Notes and camera for nice photos :)

To pack my hospital bag it was more complicated, as some Mommies advised to take this and that and some said don't take this and that. So I have packed my bag following my hospitals list.
Baby's Blanket
Dark color towel
Energy drinks and straws
2 packs of large maternity towels
Cotton wool pleats
Feminine hygienic wet wipes
4 disposable breast pads 
Light dressing gown and matching slippers
Dark buttoned PJ top for breastfeeding
2 pairs of socks
Short sleeve gown to give birth in it
Nursing top
2 nursing bras
3 large cotton knickers and 4 disposable paper knickers
Bag with toiletries: 
Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, lip balm, arnica cream, Lanishol nipple cream, thermo water face spray, body lotion, dry shampoo, shower gel - all travel size.Wet face wipes, hair band, hair brush, pen, ear plugs, mirror and a few make up items.

Friday 23 May 2014

Isabella -Two Months Old!

Look at those eyelashes! Lucky girl! xxx

It melts my heart watching them two smiling :) xxxxx

Height/ Weight: Last week Isabella's weight was 5.400 kg or just over 11 lbs. She puts on  at least a 100g. per week. Next week we are finally getting our 8 week immunizations.

Eating/ Feeding: Isabella is getting 100% breast milk. I nurse her fully with one side and I do pump the other side 4 times a day, so when we do go out I always take a bottle with me, also it works for us both as Jason can feed her too. We are very lucky  as Isabella do take breast and bottle with out any fuss at all. 

Clothes Sizes: We are already on a 0-3 months clothes. She's also fitting into 3-6 month clothing, but it really depends on the brand. Isabella has a very long legs and look like she is going to be a tall girl! 

Sleep: At the moment we are enjoying our luck, Isabella sleeps a lot. not as much during the day, she takes her naps between most of her feeds but only lasting 20 min. at a time. She sleeps about 6 hours most of the nights and even gone for 8 hours! Every morning she comes into our bed and when Jason leaves for work we do nap together for another couple of hours. Hopefully it will last!

Milestones:Month two has been really amazing for us because it's when Isabella started really develop more. She has better head control and sometimes swats at her toys. She smiles and coos, turns when she hears one of our voices. She chews on her hands a lot and pulls at my hair.
In the mornings when she wakes up she gives me the biggest smile ever! I finally feel like she really knows me and Daddy. 
She also likes her new swing , Activity gym play mat ( she coos and looks at the bright colours above her) and she loves naps on Daddy's chest. She loves baths but dislikes when the bath comes to an end, as she seems to be very hungry at that point and just screams out for her milky :) so we have to be fast and dry her up and dress her  in seconds! 

From now on I will be writing in  Lithuanian language too so our Nanna Dana can read our monthly updates. 
Nuo siol sitie straipsniai bus rasomi ir lietuviu kalba kad musu mociute Nanna Dana galetu paskaityti apie musu menesio pasikeitimus ir pasiekimus.

Ugis/Svoris : Praeita savaite Isabellos svoris buvo 5.400 kg. Ji priauga mazdaug apie 100g. svorio per savaite. Kita savaite mes pagaliau gausime 8 savaiciu skiepus.

Valgymas/Maitinimas: Isabella gauna 100% kruties piena. As maitinu ja pilnai viena puse ir nutraukiu kita kruties puse 4 kartus per diena, kai mes kur nors keliaujame as visada turiu su savimi buteliuka, tai mums labai patogu nes ir Jasonas gali ja pamaitinti. Mums is tiesu pasiseke nes Isabella valgo tiek is buteliuko tiek is kruties be jokiu problemu.

Rubu Dydis: Mes jau kuris laikas nesiojame 0-3 menesiu dydzio rubelius. taciau ji jau pradeda nesioti ir 3-6 menesiu dydi, tai grynai priklauso nuo gamintojo ir firmos. Isabella turi ilgas kojas ir atrodo kad bus auksta mergina!

Miegas: Siuo metu mes dziaugiames savo sekme nes Isabella daug miega. Ne tiek daug dienos metu, ji numiega trumpus 20 minuciu ''miegelius'' tarp beveik kiekvieno maitinimo. Taciau ismiega po 6 val beveik kiekviena nakti, kartais ismiega ir po 8 val.! Kiekviena ryta mes ja pasiguldome i savo lova, ir Jasonui isejus i darba mes dar numiegame pora valandeliu kartu. Tikekimes taip tesis ir toliau!

Pazengimai: Antras menuo mums is tiesu buvo nuostabus, nes tai menuo kai Isabella pradejo vis daugiau vystytis. Ji turi kur kas geresne galvos kontrole ir kartais pasisuka i savo zaislus. Ji juokiasi ir kukuoja, pasisuka isgirdusi viena is musu balsu. Ji kramto/ ciulpia savo kumstukus ir kabinasi i mano plaukus.
Pabudusi rytais ji nusisypso man savo didziausia sypsena! As pagaliau jauciu jog ji is tikruju gerai atpazysta mane ir teti.
Jai taip pat patinka naujos supynes, zaidimo kilimelis ( ji kukuoja ir ''sneka'' su ryskiomis spalvotomis detalemis virsuje jos) jai labai patinka miegoti ant tecio krutines. Isabella megsta vonios laika bet nelabai patenkinta kai maudynes ateina i pabaiga, nes tuo metu ji buna ypac alkana ir pradeda ''saukti'' savo pienelio :) tad mes turime buti ypac greiti ja nusluostyti ir aprengti.


Saturday 17 May 2014

T20 Tassimo Bosch Coffee Maker Review

So as I'm sipping my tasty caramel latte I thought I will write a post kind of review about my new Coffee Brewer or T20 Tassimo. ( Tassimo Amia by Bosch TA S2002 or TAS 20 xx)

Always always wanted to get a coffee machine a good coffee machine, the one who grinds the fresh coffee beans and makes frothy cappuccino's...... One problem here. They are very expensive those ''good coffee makers'', so I have left that dream to a later days. 
So here I am walking around John Lewis department store admiring coffee machines when stopped by this little black brewer who looked quite cheeky on a shelve almost telling me Look at ME :) 
Priced at £99.95 it looked quite stylish and almost convinced me to skip the idea about those huge coffee I did a little review reading at home and came to a conclusion: I will give it a go! 
As I had a £50 gift voucher from John Lewis the idea of getting T20 became more interesting, so I have purchased it the following day. 
To make a long story short, - it is the best decision I have made! I'm over the moon with my new coffee brewer! Love love love!
So here is my short review:

First thing when you get the T20 is to clean it, but it  is very easy. In the back of the unit is a clever little slot that houses the disc for cleaning your T20 unit. Tassimo uses a barcode system to brew everything. The cleaning disc as well as all of the T-Discs have a barcode to tell the Brewer what to do. So you have to be sure you place your T-Disc into the machine correctly. It’s very easy, fill your machine with water, turn it on, slip in the appropriate T-Disc and press the big button (which is the start button). And Voila!
The T-Discs are available to buy at most supermarkets and comes in a variety of flavors. My favorite is Costa Caramel Latte. The only downside to this that the T- Discs are not cheap. Tesco usually does a good purchase deal 3 packs for £10.00 . So if you don't drink 6 cups a day it will last you a while. But if you have some guests around is better to stock it up. 
Taste. And that's quite important to me. You always think that those quick press the button machines makes terrible tasting coffee almost like from vending machines at the office. Not this baby! The coffee is brilliant, and there is no synthetic taste in milk either. It tastes exactly as it tastes at coffee house. And it makes your drink in no time! 60 sec. and you are sipping your favorite drink with no cleaning to do after! And having a small baby now, is the last thing I want to do is to spent time cleaning coffee machine parts. 

Conclusion: Thank you Bosch for another good electrical item ( We have a washing machine from Bosch and it is perfect!). Tassimo T20 is for modern living, is small, compact, intelligent barcode reader, stylish and makes a pretty good cup of coffee! and I forgot to mention that also you can make espresso, cappuccino, latte, hot chocolate and tea! 
So my apologies, but I am off for another drink..... :)

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Our week in pictures...

Saturday: just chilling on a sofa.....

Saturday: we had some guests over and made a lovely BBQ outside in the garden 

Saturday: with auntie Inga

Sunday: I do smile a lot! xxxx

Sunday: we had our Nanna Suzanna staying with us for a week

Monday: I'm not sure if I do like my new Baby Bjorn carrier???

Tuesday: all pretty in my new denim romper from Nanna Suzanna
Wednesday: Mommy bought a new watch :)

Thursday: Bunny rabbit where jumping around our vegetable patch. How cute! 

Friday: We went to Salisbury, visited Salisbury Cathedral, popped into a vintage sweet shop and stopped at Costa to have some Lattes

Friday: the man at the market sold all those roses and a bucket for  £3!!!! they have lasted only 3 days but was worth it! 

Saturday: Daddy bought an apple tree :) 

Saturday: our living room these days looks more like a baby's nursery :)

Sunday: made a selection of snacks for a visiting friends

Sunday: Isabella's new girlfriend :)

Sunday: enjoying a nice afternoon with friends :)