Thursday 24 March 2016

Isabella's 2nd Birthday Party!

This weekend we celebrated Isabella's 2nd  birthday party. Surrounded by family and friends we had a Peter Rabbit themed party. It was perfect!
On a Sunday morning you came downstairs in your pyjamas to open some presents and cards. You are one lucky girl to have so much love from everyone who posted and brought you gifts and cards.
Thank you so much to everyone!
Two years ago today, the world became a better place because you were born. You have blessed our lives in so many wonderful ways. Your smile, your laugh, the funny things you do to make us all brings so much joy into our hearts.
Isabella is such a bright, wonderful light in our lives. She is our funny, cheeky little daughter that will do just about anything for a laugh. Isabella is also my cuddly girl who regularly requests snuggle with me, Mummy, and who prefers always to sit in your lap or arms (when she’s not on the run). Her straw colour  hair grows longer every day and her bright grey  eyes sometimes take on a green hue. Her smile is adorable and her mood infectious.....

You have grown so much in the past year. It's been simply amazing watching you grow. You are such a bright little girl, with an amazing memory, and an even more amazing vocabulary. The words you know simply amaze us, and you are always so proud of yourself when you learn new things.
You absolutely love dancing and music. You constantly ask us to turn on music so you can twirl.
You have such an adorable personality, and the best laugh ever. Your laugh is truly music to our ears. You are so loved by everyone around you. You are a beautiful little girl both inside and out. Your daddy and I are so blessed to have you in our lives!









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