Tuesday 3 July 2012

My Italian Summer Break: Milan

Arriving early on Friday morning, we decided to do some exploring of the city of Milan. Our first stop was the Duomo.This exceptionally large and Gothic looking cathedral on the main square of Milan, the Duomo di Milan is one of the most famous buildings in Europe.

The Piazza del Duomo is very busy place in summer. I just loved watching all those beautiful ladies dressed in extremely colour coordinated outfits, walking in a very high heels in a such hot summer day. Right next to the Duomo is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle. It is beautiful, multi-storied glass arcade that features chic little eateries and high fashion boutiques.

I must say everything was out of our price range, so we just stuck to window shopping instead.Still you can enjoy your shopping at small branches like Mango, H&M, Zara, and hundreds of local Italian shops.
The following day I went to explore city on my own. Everything in Milan is pretty much easy to get to, you can use Metro and one day travel card for 4.50euro will take you around Milan in a very short time. Soon enough , I was waddling trough the various piazzas with my tiny map, camera and Italian Phrase book:) looking like a proper tourist:)

I accidentally discovered marocchino - a miniature cappuccino with a cube of chocolate dunk for the sweetest last swig! and that was simply the best cure-in-a-cup for my walking exhaustion in +36c.

Hard to believe but I think Vintage clothes is slowly occupying all Europe, not as many as in UK but I managed to find some pretty good Vintage shops.


You can easy bag yourself a beautiful vintage Prada , Gucci shoes or handbag for around 90 euros.  

After long shop browsing it was time to have a lunch. Almost everyone has a salad or a small plate of Risotto Milanese.Then you must have uno espresso and Gelatto(ice cream). If I can write a song it would be definitely about Italian ice cream! They are just amazing!

For me it was obvious if I am in Italy I must try a proper pizza:) So we visited a very authentic and original Trattoria Pizzeria on Via R.Sanzio street. If you are a pizza lover you can basically live in that place:) I had increased my cheese intake by a few hundred percent. And since appearance are almost everything in Milan, for the rest of the week I had to stick to my skinny salads:) If you like good food Italy is definitely the place to go.

I met my old friend who lives in Italy, so we decided to have a meal at Navigli.

Navigli district - the canal area in Milan.The canals were constructed around 1257 for transportation of goods into the city, including the marble that was used to build the Duomo.

Milan itself has a very remarkable architecture. And its something about those beatiful chandeliers hanging in almost every shop, cafe or hotel.

The smell of coffee is a powerful scent. It has it hooks in me almost instantly. So I have to admit I drunk a lot of coffee, but not just an ordinary coffee....its Italian coffee!

Coffee - that small fragment of Italian culture that is such a focus of their way of life, it became an international Italian icon.

Jason and me decided to visit very recommended Bianco Latte Milano Cafe.They have most amazing selection of coffees, cakes, patisseries, and gelatto.

Its something about Italians that really fascinates me, their love for food, family, friends, and just simplicity in everything. But...you have to trust your instinct when crossing the zebra, Italians are terrible drivers:) Well, almost...:)

Who can resist a chocolate shoes?

and macaroons?

With love ....A presto.

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