Friday 29 March 2013

Easter Eggs

 People in Eastern European countries have a long tradition of elaborately decorating Easter eggs.( hard boiled chicken or duck eggs). Polish, Lithuanians, Slavic and Ukrainian people create amazingly beautiful designs on the eggs.They draw lines with a hot wax pencil or dip the egg in colour. Many of you probably heard about more natural ways to dye the egg,- onion peal and beetroot juice. Easter morning is a big family event and Easter egg rolling game is popular not just in Europe. In America The White House Easter Egg Roll is an American  tradition since 1878. However here in England egg decorating traditions is not as popular, and Jason always finds interesting thing that we do paint eggs! Shops sell various big and small chocolate eggs and Easter egg hunt is a popular game for families with kids.
Every Easter I usually decorate my house with some Easter accessories, but after our house move my all decorations have been hidden away somewhere in the box in the garage. So maybe next year I will dig them out :)

Have a wonderful and sunny Easter holidays!
With Love.

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