Tuesday 11 November 2014

Isabella- 7 Months Old!



Finally I am able to post Isabella's 7 month update ( due on 24th of October). We have recovered some of her photos from our broken PC, sadly not all of them :(
As recorded on 15th of October Isabella is now 19lb or 8.950 kg. We are due for her weight this week.
Clothes Sizes:
Most of the clothes are 6-9 months but we are already fitting 9-12 months .As I have mentioned before it depends on the brand.
 Isabella  is really liking solids so far. She has baby porridge and sometimes yogurt for her breakfast. I mix up her porridge with home cooked fruit pure or just with a little bit of her milk. We have started on chicken and fish. So far she's been absolutely brilliant at eating almost anything I cook. She likes her vegetables mixed with split red lentils or sometimes I cook lots of vegetables with little pasta shapes and cheese. Sweet potatoes, pears, apples, peas, banana and carrots are still most favourites. But happy to eat broccoli and courgette. I am using the books by Annabel Karmel as a guide to make all of her food.  The first time she tries a new food, whether she likes it or not, she makes the funniest face. Her favourite so far is anything that tastes a bit sweet which doesn't surprise me. She probably has a sweet tooth like her mamma.  I mushed some blueberries other day and she refused to take it as they tasted a bit soured but mixed with yogurt was a big hit! I was going to delay introducing fruits until I had given her most of the vegetables that are recommended, but I read some studies that indicated that babies are born with a preference for sweets (breast milk is sweet!) and that introducing fruits does not mean that your baby will not like vegetables. I also like to mix foods--- apples and pears, peas and apples, carrots and apples, chicken and peaches etc.
She drinks water and her formula milk 3 to 4 times a day.
Speaking of making her food, I absolutely love it. It's fun and I get to make use of my blender. I think there's a perception that making baby food is time-consuming, but I make big batches and freeze them and then I just pop out a couple of cubes, warm them, and they're ready to go. None of the recipes require more than 10 minutes of boiling and then you just puree in a blender and pour into ice cube trays (make sure to use BPA-free ones!) The prep work (peeling, etc.) doesn't take long either.

So far Isabella has been sleeping so well and fingers crossed hope it will continue. Seriously, hallelujah. Isabella is usually asleep by 7 p.m. We have a night time routine.  She basically sleeps through the night most nights. Sometimes she does randomly wake up at around 10 or 10:30 p.m. sometimes all she needs is to turn her around on her back  or she just needs to be rocked for a few minutes and put back in her cot. We haven't been doing any "cry it out," because we find that providing whatever comfort she needs yields a better outcome instead of letting her get all worked up and having to start all over again. She usually wakes up at 7ish, and we bring her into our bed so she can get a cuddle from us, sometimes we turn telly on and we all watch kids cartoons before we all start our day.
Likes: Sitting, her toys,  being picked up, napping, cat Poppy,  eating, looking at herself in the mirror, stroller rides, baths,  books (and eating her books),cuddles with Dadda. 

The biggest milestone  is that Isabella said "dada." I have mentioned before that it sounded like Dadda but now she's is definitely addressing this word to her Daddy!  We realize that she doesn't really know what it means but she says it clearly and it was pretty cool to hear it among her other baby babble which is also expanding. She sits confidently on her own but no progress in crawling department yet.....However she happily can turn from her back onto her tummy and back again.

 Everyone keeps telling me to treasure the non-mobile stage because things start to get pretty crazy once babies can move.
In other news, we have four teeth! Two front bottom teeth, to be exact! And upper middle teeth. They had been breaking through the gums for a few weeks and they finally poked through to where you can see them, but they're not fully emerged yet. I was pleasantly surprised with how well she did with teething. We had a few fussier days and nights, but overall she didn't seem to be majorly impacted.

Did you know? Tooth development is hereditary, so if you got your teeth early, it's likely that your baby will, too.


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