Monday 24 November 2014

Isabella -8 Months Old!




Weight/Height and Health:

 Week ago Isabella's weight was 9.350 kg. or 20lb 10oz. She is now on 91st.percentile in her weight growth chart. Happy Mummy!

This month is the second time Isabella has  been not well. She was sick with cold, runny nose and high fever and was just miserable. She has been battling a cold for a week now and still has a little runny nose.   She seems to be on the mend now. It was tough to see her so sick, but she's a trooper and has handled it better than I would. 

Clothes Sizes:

 Most of them are 6-9 or 9-12months. However the Minnie Mouse pajama top she is wearing in the last photos of her photoshoot are  age 12-18mnts. And is available at Marks &Spencer. 


 She is eating all kinds of foods: lots of veggies, fruits, pasta ,cheese, chicken and fish. My fridge is stocked with baby food cubes! 
She loves fresh mango, banana, and peaches. I do make a lovely combination out of this fruit trio and if you replace banana with apples or pear it can be frozen to use for later.
Sometimes I grate a little bit of mild cheddar cheese and she loves picking it from her tray, even if half of it do end up on the floor!
She loves her meal time and takes no nonsense about any distraction. I have bought a lovely high chair toy but she is not so keen to play while she eats , she needs food and most of the time, it's like you can't shovel it in fast enough. LOL.

She loves apples and pears so I make those all the time. I feed her two cubes at each meal (I microwave them and test the temperature if puree is still too hot). I still mix Ellas Kitchen Mango, Strawberry and Banana Porridge into her fruit puree for breakfast.   Every other day she gets yogurt ( Petit Filous fromage frais or Little Yeos ). Once a week we have scrambled eggs for breakfast.

As I mentioned last month, I love making baby food and I love watching her expressions as she tries new things. We've even given her peeled apple slices and banana chunks to try eating on her own.  We didn't do baby led weaning, but I'm trying to give her some softer foods to hold and explore with supervision.

All over the place. One night she will go to sleep at around 7pm. and she will sleep through the night until 6.30 or 7 a.m. and one night she may wake up a few times crying. When she wakes up really early ( maybe once a month) we just bring her to bed for an hour or two until we all wake up together. I've heard that babies' sleep gets interrupted when they are sick and when they are learning new skills, so it makes sense. She is so lovely in the mornings when she is up she would turn on her tummy and lifts her head towards our bed to see if we are awake. Sometimes she babbles for half an hour and sounds like she is in a serious conversation with her noises and little sounds of ''dada'', ''ammm'', ''baaa'', ''maaaam'' ...etc

She's starting to make more sounds  lots of "dada," "gah," "baaaa," you know, baby talk. Watching her grow before our eyes has just been surreal. She is so responsive, interactive and interested now. She wants to grab, eat everything and touch everything. She responds to her name and is curious about the things we say and do.( and eat!)
A few days ago she started to do this funny dancing while sitting and somehow managed to shaffle herself a few moves around the floor. So its kind of official that our baby is starting to crawl.....or should I say ''bum crawling'' . When we say to her well done, she gets so excited and a little bit shy too. So sweet!
She learned how to clap her hands, and gets very happy if you clap with her along!

And finally I am sooooo excited about the Christmas this year, I think when you have a child is double the excitement! Can't wait to decorate our Christmas Tree and take Isabella to the SANTA'S Grotto!



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