Sunday 30 December 2012

Christmas Bits & Pieces


1.Day out with girlfriends.
2.Favorite winter candle, smells soooo Christmassy.
3.Pheasants and Partridges -  for Christmas Table.
4.Room decoration-oranges and cloves.
5.Nigella's Italian Christmas Pudding Cake.It was most delicious cake I have ever tasted!
6.English Christmas Dinner.
7.Christmas Pudding.
8.One of the best Christmas Mead and is produced in Dorset.
9.Chestnuts and Walnuts.
10.Christmas Cake made by Jason's Mum.

New Year Resolutions

It's always so exciting planning for the new year.The thing is, that I have almost never made a new year's resolutions. We all live such a busy lives that sometimes I think the world goes by so fast, that we forget how much more is around us.The new year is always feels like a fresh start, so here is just a few of my goals for next year.
Go for a walks - I love those Sunday morning walks,but would like to make this into a regular routine.
Read books - I am a big fan of books, and over the years we collected enough books to turn one room into a library.Hope I will have more time to read.
Visit our friends - Sometimes you just have to plan and stick to the plan.No more excuses!
We love spending our time with friends, and hope this year we see them more often.
Cooking and Baking - With so many Cooking and Baking books on my kitchen shelf is about the time to start using new recipes and new ideas.
And most important  to have Me Time. Write more, Love more, Travel more and get back into healthy routines. Less Coffee- more Green Tea (I'm not promising the last one......)
Happy New Year to all of you, and may all resolutions will be achievable!

Monday 24 December 2012

The Highlights of 2012

It's been a very interesting year for all of us. We changed our jobs and moved to a different part of England.
We travelled. I had a lovely week in Milan and visited my family in Lithuania. Jason's  travels took a lot of time this year with his new job commitments. He visited USA twice and the  Middle East. Marius started his independent life by working full time at 4 star hotel restaurant as a chef de party and renting his own pad.( I do miss my little boy dearly)
I launched "Vintage Peonies" with vintage china for hire. And in May "Vintage Peonies" blog was born.
Jason climbed Snowdown mountain in Wales in February! Well done baby ;)
Poppy made some new friends with black cat, but still protects her territory from any visitors, including birdies and spiders :)
And finally I was longing to share with you.....we bought our own house! At last.We are soooo excited, and I will be posting some pictures of house decorating in New Year.
So we hope that next year is going to be even bigger and busier than 2012, as we move in our new house at the end of January, we plan our wedding in July and so much more.......

And now I like to wish a very Happy Christmas to my all lovely readers from all the corners of the world! May New Year brings happiness and Love to your houses and Hearts........

Daiva, Jason, Marius and cat Poppy     xxxx

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Christmas Lights in London

Bond Street
Oxford Street
Oxford Street
Oxford Street
Carnaby Street
Covent Garden
Regent Street
London Eye, South Bank

This year London looks especially festive with most amazing street lights ever!


Tuesday 18 December 2012

Christmas Market

We had a lovely day out shopping at Christmas Market.......Only 7 days to go  and it's Christmas!


Sunday 16 December 2012

Bits & Pieces

1.Christmas Baubles.
2.Clementines- the fruit that reminds me about festive season.
3.Getting ready for Sunday walk.
4.Candles... candles...
5.Santa Claus.
6.Pomegranate Fruit.
7.Starbucks coffee with my son Marius.
9.More Baubles..
10.Mince Pie.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Christmas Table Decoration

A Christmas centrepiece creates a focal point for any Christmas celebration. It helps to decorate your table and provide an atmosphere of cheer and joy for your guests.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a beautiful centrepiece. Make your own. It’s simple and looks impressive. They are very popular with my friends and family and I have been making them every year since.
On a Sunday morning me and Jason went foraging for some twigs and holly tree branches. And I picked some other green foliage from my garden. You can use fresh flowers, dried fruits, Christmas baubles, ribbons, candles and anything you like.
Get a large inexpensive vase or bowl and a piece of floral foam (any garden centre or ,,Hobbycraft,, stores do sell floral foam) that will fit inside it. Soak the floral foam in water for about half an hour. Then start from the base and work all the way up making branches to look as they do grow naturally from your masterpiece

P.S.Don't forget to water  your arrangement every couple of days.