Monday 24 December 2012

The Highlights of 2012

It's been a very interesting year for all of us. We changed our jobs and moved to a different part of England.
We travelled. I had a lovely week in Milan and visited my family in Lithuania. Jason's  travels took a lot of time this year with his new job commitments. He visited USA twice and the  Middle East. Marius started his independent life by working full time at 4 star hotel restaurant as a chef de party and renting his own pad.( I do miss my little boy dearly)
I launched "Vintage Peonies" with vintage china for hire. And in May "Vintage Peonies" blog was born.
Jason climbed Snowdown mountain in Wales in February! Well done baby ;)
Poppy made some new friends with black cat, but still protects her territory from any visitors, including birdies and spiders :)
And finally I was longing to share with you.....we bought our own house! At last.We are soooo excited, and I will be posting some pictures of house decorating in New Year.
So we hope that next year is going to be even bigger and busier than 2012, as we move in our new house at the end of January, we plan our wedding in July and so much more.......

And now I like to wish a very Happy Christmas to my all lovely readers from all the corners of the world! May New Year brings happiness and Love to your houses and Hearts........

Daiva, Jason, Marius and cat Poppy     xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to all your lovely family too, my dear!
