Sunday 30 December 2012

New Year Resolutions

It's always so exciting planning for the new year.The thing is, that I have almost never made a new year's resolutions. We all live such a busy lives that sometimes I think the world goes by so fast, that we forget how much more is around us.The new year is always feels like a fresh start, so here is just a few of my goals for next year.
Go for a walks - I love those Sunday morning walks,but would like to make this into a regular routine.
Read books - I am a big fan of books, and over the years we collected enough books to turn one room into a library.Hope I will have more time to read.
Visit our friends - Sometimes you just have to plan and stick to the plan.No more excuses!
We love spending our time with friends, and hope this year we see them more often.
Cooking and Baking - With so many Cooking and Baking books on my kitchen shelf is about the time to start using new recipes and new ideas.
And most important  to have Me Time. Write more, Love more, Travel more and get back into healthy routines. Less Coffee- more Green Tea (I'm not promising the last one......)
Happy New Year to all of you, and may all resolutions will be achievable!

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