Saturday 4 May 2013

Bits & Pieces

1. My local Florist shop, they have lots of beautiful roses....
2. Love is in the Air for the little frogs.
3. Planting lots of vegetables
4. It took me by surprise that our little cat is also a hunter :)
5.One day I would like a Tree House like this, so I can read my books up there, please.
6.Tuna Salad
7. New York candle - smells amazing!
8.I love beautiful plants
9. Making Chocolate Brownies ( only for guests to enjoy....honestly)
10. French Soap.


  1. koks fainas atsipalaidavimo būdas sėdint aukštai medyje ar jis auga jusų sode?
    kaip matau torčiuka jau makaluoji....

  2. Torciukas sveciams....tik sveciams :)
