Monday 27 May 2013


I have baked a Victoria Sponge Cake- it was delicious!

On a way to Hamble Marina

Back home we had a BBQ and lots of delicious food!

On Sunday morning we decided to take a trip to Bournemouth coast.

We had a short stop at Bournemouth Thai Food Festival


We love Ice Cream!

Pasta with Courgette and pancetta

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I know we sure did, although it wasn't long enough for us! 
We had our friends visiting us and spend a lovely time together enjoying food, drinks and lots of pretty places! Thank you once again Olga and Alex for your nice gift (  gorgeous spice rack) and a fabulous time together! We have visited beautiful parks and Hamble-le-Rice village, had a lovely drink at the local pub, enjoyed our Mr.Whippy ice cream, watched movies and drunk wine. Had a glorious sunny day at Bournemouth beach, tasted some great Thai food, had coffee lattes and a trip to New Forest! 
Sun, Ice Cream and Glorious Weekend :)


  1. vau kokį smagų savaitgalį turėjot!Gražiai atrodai,tik nesugadink visko su pyragais....

  2. Just read it and I am so overwhelmed! :)
    We had an amazing time and can't thank you and Jason enough for your kindness, warm welcome and hospitality. The weekend was amazing and we were so lucky with the weather too. The weather turned for the worse now again but I am hoping that there will be yet many nice weekend this summer and an opportunity for us to return the favour. I've got some fab ideas of things to do around Yorkshire so fingers crossed that things will pan out well and we will get a chance to see you again.
    Very much looking forward to your Big Day - can't express how excited I am for you both! sending all our love, Olga + Alex xxxx

    P.S. Your pictures look so much better than mine! :p I will post mine on Picasa and send you the link when I get a bit of spare time on the weekend, probably after my exams in mid June.

  3. Thank you Olga! Hope we can visit Yorkshire this Summer :) xxxx
