Thursday 2 May 2013

My Recent Beauty Products

1.My new round brush and heath protector from TRESemme for those lovely curls.

2. Body Scrub from Champneys - smells divine!

3. Body Oil 

4. My obsession with Summer Colours!

5. Day Cream with SPF50 by Elizabeth Arden

6. My new discovered Magic product for hair! I have been using this serum for a while now, and it definitely works, No Split Ends!

7. Not long left till the wedding, I think my hair deserves some pampering :)

8. Facial Cleansing Oil when mixed with the water turns into milk like consistency. From Sanctuary Spa.

P.S. At the end of this month I will be posting an amazing Giveaway to celebrate the One Year  Birthday of my Blog!


1 comment:

  1. sveikinu su artėjančiu 1metų blogo jubiliejumi.Viskas jame buvo gražu ir įdomu.Linkiu tęsti jį toliau ir kaskart surasti naujų idėjų.O tavo kosmetika man patiko ypač kūno šveitiklis ir serumas plaukams.
