Sunday 30 June 2013

Weekend with Strawberries

Strawberries is associated for me with a few things :  Strawberry Pavlova, time to visit Pick Your Own Farm and Tennis at Wimbledon! 
As our strawberries still not ripe yet, and I am longing for some fresh summer fruit dessert we went to our local Pick Your Own Farm. We had no idea that it is so close to us, so I will be paying a visit more regularly to those farmers fields :)
I could not describe how happy I was picking my own strawberries! One goes in to the basket one goes in to my belly......till I can't eat no more :) Its that sounds like cheating? :)))
We also picked some sweet peas. Oh they where soooo good! Perfect snack with watching movie this evening!

And finally we indulged in to dessert made from heaven! 
Strawberry and Mango mini pavlovas. I no need to say how tasty they are....
With the rest of the meringue I made some Eton Mess. Done.
No calorie count business in our house today :)
Hope you had as lovely weekend as we did! 

1 comment:

  1. seilė nutyso,kaip viskas gražu ir skanu....
