Friday 20 June 2014

Mini Victoria Sandwich Cakes with strawberries & cream


180g. of butter(softened)
170g.of caster sugar
5 eggs
180g .of plain flour
0.5 of teaspoon of baking powder
200 ml.of double cream
100g. strawberry jam
Fresh strawberries
Icing sugar
1-2 table spoons of fresh lemon juice
0.5 of teaspoon of vanilla extract



Heat the oven to 180 C.
Grease with very little butter two cupcake tins.Separate egg yolk and whites.In the large bowl mix the butter and sugar with electric mixer adding egg yolks one by one.
Sift the flour and baking powder together.Add to the butter mixture. Beat the egg whites until you have nice and firm consistency. Gently mix into the butter mix using spatula.
Using table spoon add the mixture to the cupcake tin using one table spoon per cupcake. NO NEED TO USE CUPCAKE PAPER CASES!Leave those pretty''cupcake skirts'' for the next time :)
Bake for about 20 min or until nice and golden. Use wooden skewer to check if they are baked.
In a meantime prepare the cream: With electric mixer whisk the double cream, 2 tbsp.of icing sugar,2 tbsp. lemon juice and vanilla extract together till nice and creamy.
Wash your strawberries and slice them. When the cakes are cool slice them in half,using a knife or a spoon put some strawberry jam,spoon some prepared cream and add sliced strawberries.SUMMER DELIGHT WITH YOUR AFTERNOON TEA!

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