Wednesday 18 June 2014

Our week in pictures...

MONDAY: Daddy is busy chopping the wood. Good exercise after work!

TUESDAY: Me and Isabella went to the garden center and we saw this beautiful rose bush with the name of Tess of the D'urbervilles. It's my favorite book by Thomas Hardy and favorite BBC drama adaptation and now I can plant the rose bush under name of Tess!

WEDNESDAY: Mommy went some bed linen shopping. I love this gorgeous print and color! We are planning to paint our room possibly at the end of this year, also looking to get some new lampshades and some art above the bed.
Tribal print bed set is from Marks & Spencer

THURSDAY: Took Isabella strawberry picking at our local PYO (PICK YOUR OWN)

Love how she pokes her little tongue! yum yum Mommy!

This little ''fella'' looks a bit misshaped?? but reminds me of little bears head :)

FRIDAY: Getting ready for a nice walk near the lake

Love Daisies and baby's new hair line :)))

SATURDAY: We spent sunny beautiful day at this charming village of Hamble le Rice

SUNDAY: Mommy baked delicious mini cakes for Fathers Day!

Mini Victoria sandwich cakes with fresh strawberries & cream. Recipe to follow on the blog.

We spent Daddy's Day watching movies in bed, going for a walk to the park and eating some delicious cakes :)

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