Tuesday 24 June 2014

Isabella - Three Months Old!

Honestly have no idea why we just can't find the hairband that fits! They all seems just too large for Isabella's head! 


Height/ Weight: Just a week ago Isabella was 6 kg. exactly or 13 lbs. She is definitely getting too heavy to hold her for too long. And those little chubby baby rolls starting to appear :)

Eating/ Feeding: We have started to supplement Isabella's feed with formula as my milk supply have decreased in amount I have used to produce. She still takes my milk for most of the day, but we have noticed that she is still asking for more and feels hungry. So I prepare one formula feed at lunch and one before her bed time. She seems more satisfied that way. And if that's the case we are more than happy to continue. She takes 5oz. or 150ml. of Aptamil formula first baby's milk. 

Clothes Sizes: We are wearing all clothes size 3-6 months. I have started to pack away all her newborn and 0-3mnts. clothes. How sad is that! She is growing tooooo fast!

Sleep: Not sure if that's to do with the warm weather these days or Isabella is on a sleep strike!  She gets up at 4am. most of the night. Luckily she can have some of my milk, but most she drinks is for less than 5min. and falls asleep again. Then she sleeps till 8.30am. gets her breakfast ''boobie'' and off to sleep again! :)

Milestones: This baby is growing fast! I can't believe Isabella is three months old. I go through phases of thinking she looks huge some days and tiny on others. She is definitely chunking up nicely. She can hold her head so well especially during her tummy time. She likes naps, tummy time, having her belly and feet kissed and her lovey ( rabbit cloth). She also likes stroller walks and shopping with Mommy :) During the day, she has naps between most feeds so I feed her and then we play, usually on her activity mat or swing and then she will get tired and nap for an hour or two. Sometimes she sleeps only for about 15-20 min. As we call : power naps. She likes to be held while we walk around so she can look and explore the world around her. She sucks on her hands non stop! We have tried to introduce to her the teething toy Sophie The Giraffe but she is not capable to hold her firmly yet.
As Isabella has been vaccinated is time to set some playdates and meet new friends. We are planning to take her swimming too.

Month three has been full of exciting developments. Go baby go!

Ugis/ Svoris: Praeita savaite Isabella svere 6kg. Darosi vis sunkiau ilgai ja nesioti ant ranku. Musu kojytes graziai dengiasi '' kudikio rinkutemis'' :) 

Valgymas/Maitinimas: Isabellos dieta mes pradejome papildyti pieno misinuku -formule. Gaila bet mano pacios pienas drastiskai sumazejo paskutinemis dienomis. Karsti orai ir vandens trukumas prie to taip pat prisidejo. Stengiuosi zindyti Isabella kuo dazniau dienos metu, bet ji ne visada pasitenkina. Kol kas mes duodame pieno papilda karta dienoje ir pries einant miegelio. Ji isgeria 150ml. Aptamil pieno misinuko. Tikiuosi as ir toliau dar galesiu maitinti ja savo pienuku, butu nuostabu pasiekti 6 menesiu tiksla! 

Rubu Dydis: Isabella nesioja 3-6 men. rubelius. Kol kas pirkti rubeliu nebereikia, stengiames sunesioti mums pridovanotas suknytes ir kitus rubus. Pagaliau prisiruosiau supakuoti visus jos isaugtus rubelius. Su kokia nostalgija as pakavau naujagimio ''sleepukus'' ( pizameles)! Mano mazyle auga per daug greitai!

Miegas: Nesuprantu ar tai susije su oru atsilimu pas mus ar Isabella nusprende paskelbti miego streika! Ji pasibunda beveik kas nakti tuo paciu laiku 4 ryto. Dziaugiuosi kad galiu duoti jai savo pienuka, bet ji vos pazindusi 5min. tuoj pat ir vel uzsnusta. Ismiega ji iki 8.30 ryto, tuomet papusryciauja is mano kruties ir vel pamiega gera valandele!

Pazengimai: Sis vaikutis auga kaip ant mieliu! Negaliu patiketi jog Isabellai jau 3 menesiukai! Kartais as ziuriu i ja ir ji man atrodo tokia mazute o kartais visa tokia didele. Stebetinai graziai auga jos '' kudikio rinkutes'' . Ji puikiai nulaiko galva, ypac atliekant ''pilvuko laika''. Jai patinka dienos miegelis, ''pilvuko laikas'', kada mes buciuojam jos kojytes ir pilvuka ir jos numyletinis zuikio skudurelis ( nerandu kaip pavadinti lietuviskai minksta maza kvadratini medziagos gabaleli su prisiutu minkstu zaislu ?). Jai taip pat patinka vazinetis vezimelyje ir apsipirkineti su Mama. Dienos metu ji numiega beveik po kiekvieno maitinimo. As ja pamaitinu tada mes pazaidziame ant jos aktyvumo kilimelio, o kai ji nuvargsta ji tiesiog kartais uzsnusta. Tai gali trukti valanda arba 10 min. Trumpus numigimus mes vadiname '' Jegos popiete''. Jai labai patinka buti ant ranku ir vaikscioti kartu, tuomet ji idemiai stebi pasauli aplink ja. Ji ciulpia savo pirstukus o kartais ir visa ranka nesustodama! Mes bandeme jai duoti specialu zaisla skirta dantenoms Sophie Zirafa, taciau ji dar jo nenulaiko tvirtai ir jis tiesiog iskrenta.

Kadangi Isabella jau gavo visus skiepukus metas sudaryti zaidimu ir aktyvumo plana ir susipazinti su naujais mazyliais. Mes taip pat planuojame maudymosi klases.
Trecias Isabellos menuo is tiesu nuostabus! Pirmyn mano mazyle pirmyn!

1 comment:

  1. It seems that your months run faster than ours :D already 3months! She is adorable :) keep going little grožis :)
